Sixth Workshop of the Regional Marine Instrument Centre-Asia Pacific(RMIC-RA-II-6)
13 - 17 December 2021
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
The WMO-IOC Regional Marine Instrument Centre for the RA II (Asia-Pacific Region) was established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO through WMO Resolution 9 (Cg-16) and IOC Resolution XXVI-9. The RMIC-RA-II for Asia Pacific is based on National Centre of Ocean Standards and Metrology (NCOSM), Ministry of Natural Resources, China.
The Sixth Workshop of Regional Marine Instrument Centre for Regional Association II (Asia Pacific) took place as a virtual session in English from 13 to 17 December 2021.

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
- 1 - Opening
Day 1- 1.1 - Opening Remarks from Local Organizer
National Center of Ocean Standards and Metrology, China - 1.2 - Keynote from Ministry of Natural Resources, China
- 1.3 - Keynote from Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO
Pre-recorded video, not available online due to volume, please contact secretariat - 1.4 - Keynote from World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
RMIC-RA-II-6 WMO Reform, Strategies and Ocean Activities - 1.5 - Ocean Standards: A National Perspective
RMIC-RA-II-6 Ocean Standards: A National Perspective - 1.6 - GOOS 2030 Strategy, Implementation and OceanOPS
RMIC-RA-II-6 GOOS and OceanOPS - 1.7 - China's Intensifying Participation in GOOS towards Expanding Ocean Observations for Sustainable Development Needs
RMIC-RA-II-6 China's Intensifying Participation in GOOS towards Expanding Ocean Observations for Sustainable Development Needs
- 2 - Regional Measurement-related Centres: from Concept to Practice
Day 2- 2.1 - INFCOM/SC-MINT and the Regional Measurement-related Centres
RMIC-RA-II-6 INFCOM/SC-MINT and regional measurement-related centres - 2.2 - WMO Regional Association Reform, Priorities and Related Activities in RA II
RMIC-RA-II-6 WMO Regional Association Reform, Priorities and Related Activities in RA II - 2.3 - Report from Regional Marine Instrument Centre (RMIC)-RA II
RMIC-RA-II-6 Report from Regional Marine Instrument Centre (RMIC)-RA II - 2.4 - Metrology Service of (RIC) – Beijing
RMIC-RA-II-6 Metrology Service of (RIC) – Beijing - 2.5 - Key activities of Regional Instrument Centre (RIC) – Tsukuba
RMIC-RA-II-6 Key Activities of RIC Tsukuba - 2.6 - Key activities of Regional Radiation Centre (RRC) – Tokyo
RMIC-RA-II-6 Key activities of Regional Radiation Centre (RRC) – Tokyo - 2.7 - Key activities of Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC) – Beijing
RMIC-RA-II-6 Key activities of Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC) – Beijing - 2.8 - Key activities of Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC) – Tokyo
RMIC-RA-II-6 Key activities of Regional WIGOS Centre (RWC) – Tokyo - 2.9 - Experience with WMO RIC System and Potential for Improvement
RMIC-RA-II-6 Experience with WMO RIC system and Potential for Improvement - 2.10 - Round Table Meeting on Coordination of RMICs, RWCs, RICs (By invitation)
Agenda and dial in details shared separately, please contact secretariat
RMIC-RA-II-6 Draft recommendations from roundtable
- 3 - Ocean Best Practices - Instrument Calibration
Day 3- 3.1 - From New International System of Units to Environmental Observations: BIPM Activities and Interactions with WMO
RMIC-RA-II-6 From the new SI to environmental observations. BIPM activities and interaction with the WMO - 3.2 - Quantum Metrology and its Application in Ocean
RMIC-RA-II-6 Quantum Kelvin and its Application in Ocean - 3.3 - Calibration Facilities from RMIC/AP
RMIC-RA-II-6 Calibration Facilities from RMIC/AP - 3.4 - Calibration of Thermometers for Marine Applications
RMIC-RA-II-6 Calibration of Thermometers for Marine Applications - 3.5 - CTD Calibration
RMIC-RA-II-6 CTD Calibration Facility of NCOSM - 3.6 - In-Situ ADCP Calibration
RMIC-RA-II-6 In-situ ADCP Calibration - 3.7 - Calibration of Sensors for Moored Buoys
RMIC-RA-II-6 Calibration of Sensors for Moored Buoys - 3.8 - Metrological Test Technology of Marine Instruments in Ecology Monitoring
RMIC-RA-II-6 Metrological Test Technology of Marine Instruments in Ecology Monitoring
- 4 - Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Networks
Day 4- 4.1 - Argo and BGC-Argo Real Time QC
RMIC-RA-II-6 Argo and BGC-Argo Real Time Quality Control - 4.2 - Ocean Gliders Real Time Quality Control
RMIC-RA-II-6 OceanGliders Real Time Quality Control - 4.3 - The Control Strategy and Low Power Consumption of Deep FuXing
RMIC-RA-II-6 The Control Strategy and Low Power Consumption of Deep FuXing - 4.4 - Quality Assurance and Quality Control of High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (HRSST) Drifters
RMIC-RA-II-6 Quality Assurance and Quality Control of HRSST Drifters - 4.5 - In-Situ QA/QC Advances
RMIC-RA-II-6 Advances in In-Situ Quality Assurance and Quality Control - 4.6 - CMOC China & its Data Processing and Sharing Service
RMIC-RA-II-6 CMOC China & its Data Processing and Sharing Service - 4.7 - System Design of Hybrid Driven Hadal Glider Serving in Full Ocean Depth
RMIC-RA-II-6 System Design of Hybrid Driven Hadal Glider Serving in Full Ocean Depth - 4.8 - Marine Phytoplankton Carbon Calculation and its Carbon Sink
RMIC-RA-II-6 Marine Phytoplankton Carbon Calculation and its Carbon Sink
- 5 - Ocean Best Practices - Interdisciplinary Contributions to OBP
Day 5- 5.1 - The Ocean Best Practices System and the Endorsement of Best Practices
RMIC-RA-II-6 The Ocean Best Practices System and the Endorsement of Best Practices - 5.2 - Introduction of ISO TC-8/ SC-13
RMIC-RA-II-6 Introduction of ISO TC-8/ SC-13 - 5.3 - The IEEE Perspective on the Value of Standards for Ocean Science and Technology
RMIC-RA-II-6 The IEEE Perspective on the Value of Standards for Ocean Science and Technology - 5.4 - Development and Technology of International Standards for Marine Survey in Seabed Area: A Case Study of ISO/23040
RMIC-RA-II-6 Day_5_YLei_Development and Technology of International Standards for Marine Survey in Seabed Area: A Case Study of ISO 23040 - 5.5 - Microplastic Research in the South China Sea and Importance of Protocol Standardization
Pre-recorded video, not available online due to volume, please contact secretariat - 5.6 - Estimation Method of Maricultural Seaweed and Bivalve Carbon Sink – Carbon Stock Variation Method
RMIC-RA-II-6 Estimation Method of Maricultural Seaweed and Bivalve Carbon Sink – Carbon Stock Variation Method - 5.7 - Technical Code of Practice for Investigation and Assessment of Carbon Stock in the Blue Carbon Ecosystems—Seagrass Bed
RMIC-RA-II-6 Technical Code of Practice for Investigation and Assessment of Carbon Stock in the Blue Carbon Ecosystems—Seagrass Bed - 5.8 - Wrap up and Closing
RMIC-RA-II-6 Workshop Review
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
RIMC-RA-II-6 (AP) | Sixth Workshop of the Regional Marine Instrument Centre-Asia Pacific | 02/06/2022 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
OCG-7 ToR RMIC | Terms of Reference of JCOMM Regional Marine Instrument Centres | 04/04/2016 |
JCOMM-TR-053, WMO/TD-No.1564 | The WMO-IOC Network of Regional Marine Instrumentation Centres (RMICs) | 11/04/2013 |
RMIC-RA-II-6 | Provisional Agenda for Sixth Workshop of the Regional Marine Instrument Centre-Asia Pacific(RMIC-RA-II-6) | 12/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-II | RMIC-RA-II-2 | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-II | RMIC-RA-II-3 | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-II | RMIC-RA-II-4 | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-II | RMIC-RA-II-5 | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-IV | RMIC-RA-IV-1 | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-IV | RMIC-RA-IV-2 | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC coordination | RMIC Coordination meeting | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-I | RMIC-RA-I-1 | 02/12/2021 |
RMIC-RA-II | RMIC-RA-II-1 | 02/12/2021 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
RMIC-RA-II-6 | General Instructions on ZOOM meetings | 02/12/2021 |
There are 61 participants associated with Sixth Workshop of the Regional Marine Instrument Centre-Asia Pacific(RMIC-RA-II-6) .
= Person has applied to participate but has not yet been approved.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 61
Confirmed: 60
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 1
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 16:53 on 02 Nov 2021 by Long Jiang
Last Updated at 09:49 on 04 Jan 2022 by Long Jiang