Information presented by OceanExpert is for information purpose only. OceanExpert is a product developed by the UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium. IODE does not take any responsibility for the correctness, completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of content. Users of the information are responsible for the reliance they might place on the information for its correctness. We do not claim ownership of the content.
The information, data, statements, geographical boundaries, maps and declarations expressed in national reports and statements available here do not imply the official endorsement or acceptance by UNESCO. Members of the IOC and their associated partners are solely responsible for the contents of their statements, the inclusion of which on the site does not mean the Organization’s approval or acceptance.
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UNESCO is committed to protecting personal data in line with its Principles on Personal Data Protection and Privacy . This privacy notice provides information regarding processing by UNESCO of personal data of individuals (“you”) who register for a UNESCO organized (or co-organized) event. For purposes of this privacy notice, “event” includes any conference, webinar, forum, seminar, training or workshop, whether taking place virtually or in-person.
The IODE (UNESCO IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Data and information Exchange programme), OceanExpert website, collects and shows the following data:
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IODE securely stores your data on a server at the Flemish Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Oostende, Belgium. Your data will not be sold to third parties. IODE however, assumes no responsibility for the security of this information.
Data you provide directly is typically kept as long as it is relevant to the OceanExpert community. In the unlikely case you do no longer wish to have your data in OceanExpert you can contact Deactivating your profile in OE does not mean you data has been removed from the database as it can still be valid information concerning event participation or country representation.
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Our website contains links to other websites. Our Privacy Notice applies only to our website. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or content on third-party websites and encourage you to read the privacy notices of other websites you visit.
By registering for a specific event, you agree to UNESCO’s processing of the personal data you submit as part of registration for the following purposes:
By registering for a specific event, you agree that UNESCO may disclose the personal data you submit as part of registration to:
Photographs and/or audio-visual footage may be taken and/or live-streamed during (part of) a UNESCO event. Photos and videos can be published on UNESCO websites and social media pages as well as on the co-organiser’s online platforms. Photos and videos may also be recorded and can be reproduced in various media including UNESCO publications, social networks and press, in connection with a specific event, or for further institutional purposes as well as for promotional activities of UNESCO. By attending a UNESCO organized (or co-organized) event, you agree you may appear in published photos and/or videos as stated above.
We will revise or update this privacy notice if our practices change, or as we develop better ways to keep you informed about them. Please refer back to this page for the latest information and the effective date of any changes. If we decide to change this privacy notice, we will post a new version on our website and change the date at the bottom. Changes to the privacy notice shall not apply retroactively.
You may request access to your personal data in order to verify its accuracy and may request correction. To do so in connection with your event registration, please contact
For any other questions regarding the processing of your personal data, contact the Data Protection and Privacy Officer at
In 2023 the IOC Assembly, taking into account various considerations, decided to adopt a revised policy entitled "IOC Data Policy and Terms of Use (2023)". In addition to adopting the policy, the Assembly also decided to develop Guidelines for the development of detailed data and metadata sharing guidelines by all IOC programmes and projects. The Policy recommends that member states and their ocean practitioners share their data, while also recommending the use of licenses to ensure that the work of the scientist/data provider is recognized. The most recent and detailed version of the "IOC Data Policy and terms of Use (2023)" can be found on the IODE site .
Updated: 12 August 2024