
Draft Action Plan in response to the IOS Evaluation of the IOC Strategic Positioning


In September 2021, UNESCO’s Internal Oversight Service published The Evaluation of the Strategic Positioning of IOC-UNESCOIOS/EVS/PI/197 (the Evaluation). The Evaluation included a set of six recommendations and suggested actions. Its key findings and the management response were presented to the UNESCO Executive Board at its 212th session (212 EX/9).

The first Draft Action Plan was presented to the IOC Executive Council at its 55th session in June 2022 as document IOC/EC-55/3.2Doc.(1). Following the positive review by the IOC Executive Council and consultation of Member States through IOC Circular Letter 2912, the Draft Action Plan, including updates on progress where relevant, is presented for endorsement by the Assembly.

After introduction and discussion in plenary under item 6.3, the Assembly is invited to take note of this document and consider the draft decision referenced as Dec. IOC-32/6.3 in the Provisional Action Paper (document IOC-32/AP). The document will then be subject to an in-depth review by the sessional statutory open-ended Financial Committee and the decision reflected in the Draft Resolution that the Financial Committee will be submitting to the Executive Council for adoption under item 6.4 in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Draft Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions (IOC/INF-1315).

Doc Type Working Document
Status Published on 13 Jun 2023
This document is used in the event(s): IOC Officers Meeting - January 2024
Thirty-second session of the IOC Assembly

Created at 10:44 on 13 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 10:44 on 13 Jun 2023 by Patrice Boned