Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Highest Degree
MS Remote Sensing and GISc
Job Type
Data Management
Natural Resource Management
Operational Support (technical)
Decision Making & Policy
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Climatology, Meteorology
Physical Oceanography
Ocean Data management, processing, and analysis for Marine application development with aim to help marine industry for their crew and passengers safety, vessels security, and optimized route planning.
- Esa Sentinel Toolbox (SNAP) , ASF MapReady, SARScape, ERDAS Imagine 2014, ENVI 5.0,
eCognition 8.7, ArcGIS 10x, ArcGIS Server 10x, Global Mapper, QGIS, GeoServer
- Programming: Python, R, GDAL, MATLAB, GEE
- OS: Windows, Linux
Intermediate: HTML, CSS, PHP, D3, OpenLayers, Leaflet, Mapbox, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Surfer 7
I am proficient in:
- Good communication skills
- Survey planning and team management
- Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and optical satellite and airborne data
- Spatial and Statistical Modeling
- Processing Time Series Data
- Integration of ground data with Satellite and Aerial Imagery
- GIS Modeling for Raster and Vector data processing
- Development of customized Geospatial Solutions using Python and JavaScript