Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Marine Biotechnology, Marine Products
My research is focused on the integrative taxonomy of cnidarians (zoantharians and octocorals) and some ecological interactions observed of these groups from the Eastern Tropical Pacific ecoregion. I use the metabolomic information as an alternative tool to help in the identification of these groups and also in the marine field to answer questions about the ecological interactions and the invasiveness behaviour of these species in the reef ecosystems of the TEP ecoregion, for further conservation strategies and sustainable use of these marine resources.
Communication:Good communication skills gained through all experiences as research assistant and diving instructor, social network managements.
Organisational / managerial: Supervision of groups and diving facilities in my institution.
Job-related skills: Diving Instructor, Scientific diving, Marine Photographer, Marine Ecology, Metabolomic analyses, Molecular Networking analyses, DNA extraction a phylogenetic and systematics (Molecular Biology), Integrative taxonomy of Octocorals, Zoantharians and Porifera (Molecular Biology, Morphology and Metabolomics). Writing scientific articles.
Computer Skills: Good command of Microsoft Officeâ„¢ tools, Sony Vega Video Edition, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, EndNote, Geneious, BioEdit. Web Database management in CENAIM, Ecuador and at the Marine Biodiscovery Laboratory in NUIG, Ireland. (Windows and Macintosh Operative Systems). Software management for Metabolomics analyses: MetaboAnalyst, RStudio, Galaxy WorkFlow4Metabolomics. Social media Marketing management.