I have recently submitted my thesis with title “High Resolution Ocean State Simulations in the Bay of Bengal using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)”. In this research work I have set up ROMS for the Bay of Bengal with ten kilometer horizontal resolution to analysis the mesoscale feature in the basin. In the thesis, comparison of model simulated results with satellite an in-situ observation are carried out. The high resolution model forced with climatological wind and real time satellite derived winds reveals many mesoscale features in the Bay of Bengal. The data assimilation of in-situ and satellite observation with Objective Analysis technique is carried out for the better initial condition for the hindcast experiments. Then assessments of the model hindcast experiments are carried out to set the model as a forecasting purpose.
During the model setup, experimental design and analysis of the model results, I have acquired strong knowledge of Matlab software and netcdf libraries. I have also the expertise in GrADS, Ferret and the FORTRAN language. I have experience to deal with the huge datasets of the numerical model, satellite data and in-situ datasets with different format.
Sea regions of study
Bay of Bengal
Indian Ocean
Environments: LINUX and WINDOWS.
Programming Languages: Fortran-77, 90
Packages: Matlab, GrADs, Ferret, Surfer, Netcdf library