Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Chemical Oceanography
Physical Oceanography
Research Support Services
- Management and reporting on daily runoff-data to the Baltic Sea and the North Sea (via Germany) and data from Zackenberg and Nuuk monitoring programmes in Greenland. I am also handling data on observations of pinkfooted geese (from Belgium and North along the West coast of Denmark and Norway to Svalbard).
Presently my main task is the ongoing project named "ODA" where we collect marine montoring data and process these on a daily basis through a set of quality filters. The data are presented on a web site and all suspicious data must be verified by the responsible institute.
During 2009-2011 I am participating in two projects ("BEAST" & "BalcoFish") with a common aim to build a database to contain data on hazardous substances and their effect on different marine species.
Handling large datasets, inserts and extractions to/from database. Structuring and building robust databases to contain data with temporal and spatial attributes.
Some programming experience, primarily SAS but also SQL (SQL-Server) and C#.