GLOSS GE XII and associated Workshops
Twelfth Session of the GLOSS Group of Experts
07 - 11 November 2011
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy
75732 Paris cedex 07
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
(i) Workshop on Storm Surge Monitoring and Extreme Sea Levels and the Need for High-Quality Real-Time Sea Level Data, 7-8 November 2011. Click here to read the provisional agenda of the workshop.
(ii) Space-based methods for vertical tide gauge control (afternoon of 8 November and morning of 9 November 2011). Click here to read the provisional agenda of this workshop.
(iii) Twelfth Session of the Group of Experts of the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS GE-XII), 9-11 November 2011.
All three meetings were convened at the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, at UNESCO, Paris. Location: Room XIII (-2 basement floor), UNESCO Annex (Miollis/Bonvin).
Due to the large size of files, click here to download (zip files) all presentations made at the above workshops and meeting:
- presentations from the storm surge workshop;
- presentations from the space-based methods for vertical tide gauge control (also called the TIGA workshop);
- national and regional reports at the GLOSS GE 12 meeting; and
- all other agenda presentations at the GLOSS GE 12 meeting.
Meeting starts at 9.00 am in Room XIII (Bonvin building, -2 basement floor)
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
List of Abstracts (oral presentations): Workshop on Storm Surge Monitoring and Extreme Sea Levels and the Need for High-Quality-Real-Time Sea Level Data, IOC/UNESCO, Paris, 7-8 November 2011 | 21/10/2011 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Provisional Timetable - GLOSS GE-XII 2011 and Associated Workshops | 03/11/2011 |
JCOMM-MR-098, GOOS-198, GCOS-150 | 12th Session of the IOC Group of Experts on GLOSS | 13/03/2013 |
There are 66 participants associated with GLOSS GE XII and associated Workshops .
Name | Country |
AARUP Thorkild | France |
ALLEN Allison | United States of America |
AMAN Angora | Côte d'Ivoire |
ARAUJO Isabel | Portugal |
BAILEY Rick | Australia |
BLASI Christoph | Germany |
BOUCHER Claude | France |
BRADSHAW Elizabeth | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
CABRERA Edgard | Switzerland |
CALDWELL Patrick | United States of America |
CIPOLLINI Paolo | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
CLARK Candyce | United States of America |
COLLILIEUX Xavier | France |
DE VRIES Hans | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
DREWES Hermann | Germany |
DUSSIER Marie | France |
EDWING Richard | United States of America |
ETALA María Paula | Argentina |
FIERRO Juan José | Chile |
GOFFINET Patrick | Germany |
GORDON Kathy | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
GRAVELLE Mederic | France |
GUICHARD Mikael | France |
HABRICH Heinz | Germany |
HAMMARKLINT Thomas | Sweden |
HEITSENRETHER Robert | United States of America |
HERNANDEZ Francisco | Belgium |
HOLGATE Simon | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
HORSBURGH Kevin | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
HUNTER John | Australia |
IGARASHI Yohko | Japan |
JEVREJEVA Svetlana | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
KALASHNIKOV Alexandr | Russian Federation |
KHAFID Ing. | Indonesia |
KING Matt | Australia |
KNUDSEN Per | Denmark |
LIU Kexiu | China |
MARRA John | United States of America |
MENENDEZ Melisa | Spain |
MERRIFIELD Mark | United States of America |
METIVIER Laurent | France |
MITCHUM Gary | United States of America |
NIKITIN Oleg | Russian Federation |
PEREZ GOMEZ Begoña | Spain |
PROUTEAU Elizabeth | France |
PUGH David | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
RAICICH Fabio | Italy |
RAO A. D. | India |
REIS Joana | Portugal |
RICKARDS Lesley | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
ROSEN Sergiu Dov | Israel |
SANCHEZ Laura | Germany |
SANTAMARÍA-GÓMEZ Alvaro | France |
SCHÖNE Tilo | Germany |
SELLA Giovanni | United States of America |
TEFERLE Norman | Luxembourg |
TESTUT Laurent | France |
THALLER Daniela | Switzerland |
TORRESEN Tor | Norway |
VANHOORNE Bart | Belgium |
VOINESON Guillaume | France |
VON HILLEBRANDT-ANDRADE Christa | United States of America |
WEISS Robert | Germany |
WILLIS Pascal | France |
WOODWORTH Philip | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
WOPPELMANN Guy | France |
ZAVALA-HIDALGO Jorge | Mexico |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 68
Confirmed: 66
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 2
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 16:36 on 15 Feb 2011 by Irene Gazagne
Last Updated at 14:37 on 24 Nov 2020 by Sofie de Baenst