3rd session of JCOMM Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETMSS)
04 - 08 October 2010
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
Federal Service for Hydrometeorology
and Environmental Monitoring of
Russian Federation (Roshydromet)
38 Bering str
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
- 1 - Opening of the session
- 1.1 - Opening
- 1.2 - Adoption of the agenda
ETMSS3-Doc-1.2(1) Provisional Agenda
ETMSS3_Doc1.2(2) Annotated Provisional Agenda - 1.3 - Working arrangements
ETMSS-III-Doc. 1.3 Provisional Timetable - 10 - Rolling review of requirements (Observation)
ETMSS-III-Doc.-10 Rolling Review of Requirements (JCOMM)
ETMSS-III-Doc.-10 Rolling Review of Requirements (WMO) - 11 - ETMSS ToRs
- 12 - Any Other Business
- 13 - Closure of the session
- 13.1 - Adoption of the report
- 13.2 - Closure
- 2 - Reports
- 2.1 - ETMSS Chairperson, SFSPA Coordinator & Secretariat Reports
ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.1(1) Report of the SFSPA Coordinator
ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.1(2) Report of the ETMSS Chairperson
ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.1(1) Presentation (SFSPA) - 2.2 - IMO report
ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.2 IMO Report - 2.3 - IHO report
ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.3 IHO Report - 2.4 - Inmarasat report
- 3 - Implementation of QMS for MSI
- 3.1 - Review of outcome of the training course and proposals for the way forward
ETMSS-III-Doc.-3.1 QMS Practices for MMS - 3.2 - Users feedback and performance measurements
ETMSS-III-Doc.-3.2 Questionnaire for Users Feedback - 3.3 - Review of self-assessment report template
ETMSS-III-Doc.-3.3 Self Assessment Report Template - 4 - Implementation of the GMDSS in the Arctic Areas
- 4.1 - Status of implementation (including NAVAREA)
ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(3) Report for METAREA XIX
ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(1) Report for METAREA XVII
ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(2) Report for METAREA XVIII
ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(4) Report for METAREAs XX & XXI - 4.2 - Sea ice information in MSI
- 5 - Revision and re-issue of the WMO Documentation
ETMSS-III-Doc.-5 WMO and Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Reference Documentation - 5.1 - Cross revision of publication WMO-No.558 & WMO-No.471
- 5.2 - Other WMO publications
- 5.3 - Presentation of the joint IMO/IHO/WMO documentation
- 6 - Strategy and work plan for development of enhanced MSI
- 6.1 - WMO contribution to e-navigation and the review of the GMDSS
ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.1 Contribution to E-Navigation and to evolution of the GMDSS
ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.1-Appendix A Development of an E-Navigation Strategy Implementation Plan - Report of the IMO Correspondence Group
ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.1-Appendix C Developing a Common Data Infrastructure for E-Navigation - Information paper submitted to IMO/NAV 56
ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.2 Catalogue of Marine & Oceanographic Parameters - 6.2 - Preparation of the catalogue of marine & oceanographic parameters/attibutes
- 6.3 - Demonstration suite of products on the GMDSS web site
- 7 - Sea state information in MSI
- 8 - Tsunami-related MSI
ETMSS-III-Doc.-8 Tsunami-related MSI - 9 - SAR and Marine Pollution
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-MR-082, SSA_ETMSS_Meeting_3 | Report of the ETMSS 3rd Meeting | 11/04/2013 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
1.2 | ETMSS3-Doc-1.2(1) | Provisional Agenda | 04/05/12 |
1.2 | ETMSS3_Doc1.2(2) | Annotated Provisional Agenda | 04/05/12 |
1.3 | ETMSS-III-Doc. 1.3 | Provisional Timetable | 24/09/10 |
2.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.1(1) | Report of the SFSPA Coordinator | 27/09/10 |
2.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.1(2) | Report of the ETMSS Chairperson | 21/09/10 |
2.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.1(1) | Presentation (SFSPA) | 24/09/10 |
2.2 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.2 | IMO Report | 04/10/10 |
2.3 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-2.3 | IHO Report | 21/09/10 |
3.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-3.1 | QMS Practices for MMS | 28/09/10 |
3.2 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-3.2 | Questionnaire for Users Feedback | 27/09/10 |
3.3 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-3.3 | Self Assessment Report Template | 27/09/10 |
4.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(3) | Report for METAREA XIX | 27/09/10 |
4.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(1) | Report for METAREA XVII | 27/09/10 |
4.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(2) | Report for METAREA XVIII | 27/09/10 |
4.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-4.1(4) | Report for METAREAs XX & XXI | 24/09/10 |
5 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-5 | WMO and Joint IMO/IHO/WMO Reference Documentation | 24/09/10 |
6.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.1 | Contribution to E-Navigation and to evolution of the GMDSS | 27/09/10 |
6.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.1-Appendix A | Development of an E-Navigation Strategy Implementation Plan - Report of the IMO Correspondence Group | 21/09/10 |
6.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.1-Appendix C | Developing a Common Data Infrastructure for E-Navigation - Information paper submitted to IMO/NAV 56 | 21/09/10 |
6.1 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-6.2 | Catalogue of Marine & Oceanographic Parameters | 27/09/10 |
8 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-8 | Tsunami-related MSI | 28/09/10 |
10 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-10 | Rolling Review of Requirements (JCOMM) | 01/10/10 |
10 | ETMSS-III-Doc.-10 | Rolling Review of Requirements (WMO) | 01/10/10 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
MSC1-Circ-1287 | Resolution A705(17)-Promulgation-MSI | 21/09/2010 |
MSC1-Circ-1288 | Resolution A706(17)-WWNWS | 21/09/2010 |
MSC-Circ-1310 | IMO-IHO-WMO-Manual on MSI | 21/09/2010 |
MSC-Circ-1364 | International SafetyNet Manual | 21/09/2010 |
New Version of NAVTEX Manual | 21/09/2010 |
WMO-1049 | JCOMM-III Abridge Final Report Recommendation 10-11 | 28/09/2010 |
JCOMM/ETMSS_TTMSS | Final Report | 02/09/2010 |
MSC | Paper on WWMIWS submitted to MSC | 28/09/2010 |
JCOMM/MSSW | Final Report | 16/09/2010 |
JCOMM/SCG | Final Report | 16/09/2010 |
WMO-No. 558 | Manual on Marine Meteorological Services | 17/08/2017 |
WMO-No. 471 | Guide to Marine Meteorological Services | 03/04/2013 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
INF. 1 | Information to participants | 01/09/2010 |
There are 16 participants associated with 3rd session of JCOMM Expert Team on Maritime Safety Services (ETMSS) , 2 of whom are provisional .
Name | Country |
AARNIO-FRISK Marja | Finland |
AITLAAMEL Mohamed | Morocco |
ALLEN Arthur | United States of America |
ASHTON Nick | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
BREIVIK Oyvind | Norway |
BRETSKIN Sergey | Russian Federation |
HAINSWORTH Alasdair | Australia |
IVANOV Konstantin | Malaysia |
JI Ming | United States of America |
MAKSIMOV Vladimir | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MARTYSCHENKO Valery | Russian Federation |
PARKER John | Canada |
SUGIMOTO Satoshi | Japan |
TANGEN Helge | Norway |
ZHANG Zenghai | China |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 16
Confirmed: 14
Not confirmed: 2
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 21:00 on 24 Aug 2010 by Boram Lee
Last Updated at 14:32 on 21 Dec 2010 by Edgard Cabrera