Ocean Literacy self-paced training courses
Training Course
20 October 2023 - 31 December 2025
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
A series of self-paced Ocean Literacy training courses has been developed by IOC-UNESCO, specifically targeting educators, media professionals, architects and urban planners, government officials and civil society and are hosted on IOC-UNESCO’s training platform, OceanTeacher Global Academy. These self-paced courses include lectures, case-studies, video messages from guest speakers, quizzes and online forums, as well as recorded webinars.
The following self-paced courses are available:
1. Why the ocean should matter to us all (self-paced)
Aims and Objectives
This course provides a general understanding of the concept of Ocean Literacy and the importance of the ocean. It aims to support participants to incorporate Ocean Literacy into their work and their day to day lives.
Expected learning outcomes
Participants will:
- Understand the concept of Ocean Literacy, the importance of the ocean and the relation between the ocean and people.
- Learn about the Ocean Literacy Principles and the possibility to adapt them to multiple contexts.
- Be introduced to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the role of Ocean Literacy in the Decade.
Target audience and prerequisites
This course is open to the general public and does not require any pre-requisite knowledge. Government officials, educators and representatives of the private sector, media, civil society, academia, as well as students and early career professionals, are encouraged to participate.
Course duration: 10 hours
Website: https://classroom.oceanteacher.org/course/view.php?id=698
2. Mainstreaming Ocean Literacy in Governance (self-paced)
Aims and Objectives
This course will provide government officials with an overview of the importance of the Ocean. It will showcase the ocean as a source for development, present challenges and introduce tools and approaches for decision-making and governance regarding ocean sustainability.
Expected learning outcomes
Participants will:
- Understand the concept of Ocean Literacy and the importance of the ocean.
- Understand the public benefits and ecosystem services provided by the ocean.
- Learn about the relationship of Ocean Literacy and Ocean Sustainability with other relevant global agendas.
- Understand Sustainability Challenges faced by the Ocean
- Explore tools and approaches for ocean sustainability that could be implemented by government officials in their work.
Target audience and prerequisites
This course is targeted towards government officials from multiple sectors (including resource managers and officials with no previous experience in ocean issues). Representatives of the civil society and academia, as well as students, early career professionals and the general public, may also participate. This course does not require any pre-requisite knowledge. Prior participation in the Ocean Literacy General Course (Why the ocean should matter to us all) is encouraged but not compulsory.
Course duration: 10 hours
Website: https://classroom.oceanteacher.org/course/view.php?id=699
3. Educating about the Ocean: Waves of change (self-paced)
Aims and Objectives
This course will provide a general overview of the importance of the ocean, the challenges it faces, and ways forward for sustainability. It will introduce the concept of Ocean Literacy, describe its basic principles, tools and approaches, and provide understanding on how educators can incorporate Ocean Literacy in their work.
Expected Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
- Understand the concept of Ocean Literacy, the importance of the ocean and the relation between the ocean and people.
- Learn about strategies and approaches to incorporate Ocean Literacy in formal and non-formal educational settings.
Target audience and prerequisites
This course is especially targeted for formal and non-formal educators. This course does not require any pre-requisite knowledge. Prior participation in the Ocean Literacy General Course (Why the ocean should matter to us all) is encouraged but not compulsory. is encouraged but not compulsory.
Course duration: 12 hours
Website: https://classroom.oceanteacher.org/course/view.php?id=700
4. iSea Stories: understanding the Ocean for media and press (self-paced)
Aims and Objectives
This course provides insights and tools to allow the development of attractive, accurate and effective story telling about the ocean in media and press. It will provide an overview of the importance of the ocean, challenges faced by the ocean and innovative solutions and case-studies to address these.
Expected learning outcomes
Participants will:
- Understand the importance of Ocean Literacy and the role of media to advance in ocean sustainability.
- Connect ocean issues with global agendas.
- Generate a general understanding on the importance of the ocean, challenges faced by the ocean and tools and approaches for sustainability.
- Learn about different approaches and strategies that can be used to share ocean stories.
- Access facts, case-studies, media examples and resources to help build stories.
- Identify potential new stories to tell about the ocean.
Target audience and prerequisites
This course is especially targeted for media representatives covering multiple fields, not only environmental journalists. This course does not require any pre-requisite knowledge. Prior participation in the Ocean Literacy General Course (Why the ocean should matter to us all) is encouraged but not compulsory. is encouraged but not compulsory.
Course duration: 10 hours
Website: https://classroom.oceanteacher.org/course/view.php?id=701
5. Ocean Literacy Training for architects and urban planners (self-paced)
Aims and Objectives
This course will provide architects, urban planners, marine planners, and designers with an overview of the importance of the ocean and how to consider it when planning and designing. It will showcase examples of how the ocean can be considered in diverse scales, from the design of a small product that can later connect to the ocean with its materials, the design of buildings and infrastructure that interact with the architecture and infrastructure and the overall planning of our cities, which have a deep interaction with our oceanic common systems. This training aims to provide professionals with diverse tools so they can consider sustainable ways to consider the ocean in their decision-making process.
Learning outcomes
Participants will:
- Understand the public benefits of the ocean and ecosystems provided by the ocean
- Learn about the marine impacts and how they are connected to their areas of expertise
- Understand solutions to overcome potential challenges they might encounter on their professions related to the ocean
- Understand the UN Decade framework and the Agenda 2030 and explore how they can act during the Decade
- Explore tools and approaches for ocean literacy and how it could be implemented in their design and planning work
Target audience and prerequisites
This course is targeted for architects, urban planners, marine planners, designers. This course does not require prerequisite knowledge.
Course duration: 10 hours
Website: https://classroom.oceanteacher.org/course/view.php?id=925
Language of instruction: English
Learner assessment: The course will include quizzes.
Certificate: A course certificate will be provided to participants completing all quizzes.
Course duration and format: The course will take place online in self-paced mode.
How to enrol: Please register on the OceanExpert website (www.oceanexpert.org). Once your OceanExpert account is approved (this is not done immediately), you can self-enrol in the course. If you already have an OceanExpert account, you can self-enrol in the course using your OceanExpert username and password.
First log-in OceanTeacher, then access the course page and click on self-enrolment. The enrolment key for all courses is Ol**2025
For any questions please contact the OTGA Secretariat (ioc.training@unesco.org) always using the name of the course as email subject.
There are no tuition fees.
Feedback survey: At the end of the course, you will be asked to fill out a feedback survey. This information will be used to improve future courses.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 6 participants associated with Ocean Literacy self-paced training courses .
Name | Country |
GALLO Moisés | Chile |
OCHOA William | |
OGADA Eunice | Kenya |
OH Hyoeun | Republic of Korea |
OLIVEIRA Jorge | Portugal |
ONIDA Alessandra | Italy |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 6
Confirmed: 6
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 07:08 on 16 Oct 2023 by Greg Reed
Last Updated at 20:09 on 09 Mar 2025 by Ana Carolina Mazzuco