3rd Session of Group of Experts on Capacity Development (GE-CD III)
01 - 02 December 2021
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The 3rd Session of the IOC Group of Experts on Capacity Development (GE-CD III) will be held on 1 and 2 December 2021. Each day we will have 2 hour and 10 minutes online session between 13h00 - 15h10 CET (with short break in between). We apologize for the timing which may not be always convenient for everyone as no similar timing really fits all time zones.
The Session will review (i) status with the work plan of the 2nd session and instructions by IOC-XXXI, (ii) results of the 2nd CD needs assessment survey, (iii) status of implementation of the IOC CD strategy by global and regional programmes, (iv) capacity development in the UN Decade of Ocean Science, and (v) revision of the IOC CD Strategy.
We will upload additional documentation as it becomes available.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/GE-CD-III/3 | Report of the third meeting of the IOC Group of Experts on Capacity Development (online, 1–2 December 2021) | 12/06/2022 |
There are 39 participants associated with 3rd Session of Group of Experts on Capacity Development (GE-CD III) .
Name | Country |
ABTAHI Behrouz | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
AL ASLAI Hamdah | United Arab Emirates |
ALAM Mohammad | Bangladesh |
BREWSTER Leo | Barbados |
CARRASCO Patricio | Chile |
CASTAÑO Reynaldo | Nicaragua |
CEROME Carlo Elisca S | Haiti |
EL-SIKAILY Amany | Egypt |
GONZÁLEZ Patricia | Cuba |
GORZIGLIA Hugo | Chile |
HILMI Karim | Morocco |
ILISSON Raul | Estonia |
KARAGEORGIS Aristomenis | Greece |
KHAYYAT Badee | Saudi Arabia |
KHOLEIF Suzan | Egypt |
KUILE Liz | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
LALLIER François | France |
LEFEVER Koen | Belgium |
MAISEMA Epeli | Fiji |
MARIN Mirna | Honduras |
MEIJER ZU SCHLOCHTERN Melanie | Sint Maarten |
MIN HTWE Yin Myo | Myanmar |
OLSEN Erik | Norway |
PALACIOS Othoniel | Ecuador |
PINHEIRO Luis | Portugal |
RODRIGUEZ Danna | Colombia |
SARAIVA NOGUEIRA Frederico | Brazil |
SOHOU Zacharie | Benin |
TORRES Carlos | Mexico |
TRAORÉ Mohamadou | Mauritania |
ULUSAL ihsan | Türkiye |
VAREA Enrique | Peru |
VERREET Gert | Belgium |
WOUTERS Oriana | Aruba |
YAO koffi Marcellin | Côte d'Ivoire |
Name | Country |
AHANHANZO Justin | France |
ALIAGA ROSSEL Bernardo | France |
APPELTANS Ward | Belgium |
ARICÒ Salvatore | France |
BARBIÈRE Julian | France |
CLAUSEN Alison | France |
DE BAENST Sofie | Belgium |
DE LICHTERVELDE Kristin | Belgium |
DELGADO Cláudia | Belgium |
DIWA-ACALLAR Johanna | Belgium |
ENEVOLDSEN Henrik | Denmark |
FISCHER Albert | Switzerland |
HESLOP Emma | France |
KOROVULAVULA Jiuta | France |
LAMBERT Arno | Belgium |
O'DONOVAN Mairéad | Italy |
ODIDO Mika | Kenya |
PISSIERSSENS Peter | Belgium |
REED Greg | Belgium |
RIGAUD Julie | France |
SCOTT Lucy | Belgium |
TORO Cesar | Colombia |
ZHU Wenxi | Thailand |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 94
Confirmed: 39
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 55
Rejected: 0
Label(s): IOC Capacity Development Official meeting
Created at 16:35 on 24 Aug 2021 by Johanna Diwa-Acallar
Last Updated at 15:06 on 12 Dec 2022 by Sofie de Baenst