Sixteenth Session of the IOC (of UNESCO) Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions IOCARIBE
03 - 06 May 2021
IOC of UNESCO Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
Torices, Edificio Chambacu, Oficina 405Cra 3B # 26-78
Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, 1108
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The Sixteenth Intergovernmental Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (SC-IOCARIBE-XVI) will be held from 3 to 6 May, 2021. This Session will be a Virtual Session. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemia, the Board of Officers of the IOCARIBE Sub-Commission agreed to convene for the first time an Online Session to enable continuity and follow-up of the work of the Sub-Commission. The Session will review the implementation and development of the IOCARIBE activities since the last session of the Sub-Commission held in Aruba in 2019 and evaluate the new project proposals based on Member States common interests and examine the state of implementation of the approved Recommendations. The Sub-Commission finally will formulate a new work plan and elect its Board of Officers for the next Biennium.

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XVi/3 | Executive Summary Report of the Sixteenth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions IOCARIBE -XVI | 26/04/2022 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/INF-1166 | IOC Rules of Procedure | 23/10/2008 |
IOC/INF-1148 | IOC Statutes | 20/02/2008 |
IOC-XXX/3 | Thirtieth Session of the Assembly Paris, 26 June – 4 July 2019 UNESCO | 26/04/2021 |
IOC/EC-53/SR Prov. | Fifty-third Session of the Executive Council Paris, 3–9 February 2021 [Online session] | 27/04/2021 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Circular Letter No. 2839 | IOC Circular Letter No. 2839 | 23/03/2021 |
Technical Requirements for IOCARIBE-XVI | 23/04/2021 |
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Created at 21:22 on 10 Mar 2021 by Patricia Wills Velez
Last Updated at 18:23 on 11 Feb 2022 by Patricia Wills Velez