Strengthening early warning and response capacities for tsunami and other coastal hazards in Central America - Final Regional Workshop
17 - 18 September 2019
Hotel Park Inn
San Jose
Costa Rica
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The DIPECHO Project "Strengthening early warning and response capacities for tsunami and other coastal hazards in Central America" aims to strengthen and institutionalize the process and tools developed within the framework of the action "Creating resilient communities and integrated early warning for tsunami and other ocean-related hazards in Central America "implemented in 2016-2017. The project aims at an institutionalized Tsunami Ready process in 6 countries, including the recognition of at least 10 municipalities, applying an inclusive and gender-sensitive approach. At the final regional workshop countries and project team will: - Present the updated Standard Operating Procedures of the National Tsunami Warning Centres, Civil Protection and/or Risk Management Governing Bodies. - Present the experiences and lessons learned from the Exercises of Tsunami Evacuation Simulation and Simulation of the Municipalities of Corn Island and Bluefields (Nicaragua), La Libertad and Tamanique (El Salvador), Omoa and Tela (Honduras), Sipacate and San José (Guatemala), Playa Hermosa (Costa Rica) and Puerto Armuelle (Panama). - Present the Central American Mobile Tsunami Warning Notification Application for key actors in the warning and response system. - Present and submit for consideration and comments by the participants of the Regional Tsunami Communications Protocol for Central America. - Present the results of the training workshops for the educational communities of the municipalities of Playa Hermosa (Costa Rica), Tamanique (El Salvador), Puerto San José (Guatemala), Tela (Honduras), Bluefields (Nicaragua) and Puerto Armuelle (Panama). - Present Educational Strategies for Tsunami Preparedness and Risk Reduction for Formal Education in Costa Rica and Panama. - Present Tsunami Ready Recognition certificates to the communities participating in the project that have met the requirements for obtaining them. - Reflect on upcoming projects and future activities on early warning systems for the region.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 18 participants associated with Strengthening early warning and response capacities for tsunami and other coastal hazards in Central America - Final Regional Workshop .
Name | Country |
ACOSTA GALEANO Norwin Ernesto | Nicaragua |
ALIAGA ROSSEL Bernardo | France |
BOLANOS Ricardo | Panama |
CASTILLO Humberto | Guatemala |
CHACON BARRANTES Silvia | Costa Rica |
KATTAN Celina | El Salvador |
KUMAGAI Yu | Peru |
LEMUS CASTILLO Joshua Raphael | Guatemala |
MASSIN Frederick | Switzerland |
MURILLO GUTIERREZ Anthony | Costa Rica |
NUÑEZ MALDONADO Alex Rene | Honduras |
SÁNCHEZ Arnulfo | Panama |
SANIC SIMON Casilda Leticia | Guatemala |
STRAUCH Wilfried | Nicaragua |
TALAVERA Emilio | Nicaragua |
TENORIO Virginia | Nicaragua |
ZUNIGA Sandra | Costa Rica |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 18
Confirmed: 18
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 10:48 on 16 Aug 2019 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 11:32 on 16 Sep 2021 by Sofie de Baenst