Drafting Workshop for the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) new Project Proposal
CMA_Phase 3
22 - 24 July 2019
Cartagena, Bolivar,
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
Within the framework of the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) Project, the meeting Will: (i) Review progress of the Project during the last 3 years (ii) Analyze future requirements of the platform based on other developments and activities of the región (iii) Prepare the Project proposal for the new phase Location:HOTEL CARIBE Bocagrande, Cra. 1a # 2-87 Cartagena, COLOMBIA Teléfono: (+575) 5 6501160 Contact Person for Reservations: Ms. Rode Ruiz Romero Coordinadora de Grupos y Convenciones E-mail: comercial@hotelcaribe.com Please refer to Caribbean Marine Atlas CMA Phase 3 – UNESCO Group CMA Short video: https://vimeo.com/273779090 CMA Long video: https://vimeo.com/288003526 CHM Pilot demo: https://vimeo.com/343512375
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
1. | 1-CMA_Opening-Agenda-23072019 | 24/07/19 |
1.2 | IOCARIBE/CMA-Phase3/1 Prov. | Provisional Agenda CMA3 | 20/06/19 |
1.2 | CMA3 Timetable | 18/07/19 |
1.2 | Annotated Agenda CMA3 | 22/07/19 |
2 | 2-CMA2_Background-status-23072019 | 24/07/19 |
3 | 3-CMA2_Lessons learnt and contributions-23072019 | 24/07/19 |
3 | 3-Colombia_SIAM_Geonode | 24/07/19 |
3.1 | CMA3_DraftingProposalWorkshop_CLMEPlus_Experience_2019 | 24/07/19 |
3.1 | guatemala_cma_presentation_220719 | 24/07/19 |
3.1 | PPT_CMA2_Country_TandT | 24/07/19 |
3.1 | Presentación Década del Oceano CMA | 24/07/19 |
4. | 4-CHM_CMA3Workshop | 24/07/19 |
4. | 4-CMA2_CHM-LAC | 24/07/19 |
5. | 5-CMA_Future | 24/07/19 |
6. | 6-CMA_Design process for next 3 years | 24/07/19 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase2 - Indicators and Thematic Data Workshop | 10/07/2019 |
Caribbean Marine Atlas Phase 2 - Indicators Workshop Report 2019 | 11/07/2019 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Logistic Note | 18/07/2019 |
There are 13 participants associated with Drafting Workshop for the Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) new Project Proposal .
Name | Country |
ARIAS ALEMÁN Leonardo Jose | Colombia |
ARIAS-ISAZA Francisco | Colombia |
ASMATH Hamish | Trinidad and Tobago |
DEBELS Patrick | Colombia |
GARCÍA LÓPEZ Alan | Guatemala |
GARCIA VALENCIA Carolina | Colombia |
KNOWLES John | United States of America |
LYSENKO Nina | Dominican Republic |
ORTIZ MARTÍNEZ Ruby | Colombia |
PISSIERSSENS Peter | Belgium |
SIERRA-CORREA Paula | Colombia |
TORO Cesar | Colombia |
WATSON Gabrielle | Jamaica |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 13
Confirmed: 13
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 23:01 on 19 Jun 2019 by Patricia Wills Velez
Last Updated at 18:40 on 24 Jul 2019 by Patricia Wills Velez