Sixteenth session of the Group of Experts for the Global Sea Level Observing System
11 - 13 April 2019
Korean Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency
351, Haeyang-ro, Yeongdo-gu
South Korea
Organiser(s) & Staff
The sixteenth session of the Group of Experts of the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) will take place on 11-13 April 2019. The meeting will be held back-to-back with the IHO Tides, Water Level and Currents Working Group (TWCWG), which will meet from 8 to 11 April 2019. If you are attending the GLOSS GE meeting as a representative of a national sea level agency and/or GLOSS national focal point, we kindly ask that you prepare a consolidated national report on sea level observing activities in your country by 26 March 2019. Please e-mail the report to Thorkild Aarup at: with a copy to Dr Gary Mitchum at: For format and information please see: Action List for 2019-2021 as agreed at the GLOSS-GE-XVI available on-line
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC Workshop Reports, 281 | Workshop on Sea-Level Measurements in Hostile Conditions: Workshop Report | 30/04/2018 |
TWCWG4 meeting and GLOSS-GE-16 session: Provisional Agenda (as of 05 April 2019) | 11/04/2019 |
TWCWG4 and GLOSS-GE-16 joint session: GLOSS data recovery status report | 05/04/2019 |
TWCWG4 & GLOSS-GE-16 Logistics Information | 08/01/2019 |
TWCWG4 & GLOSS-GE-16 Hotel reservation form | 08/01/2019 |
Action List for 2019-2021 as agreed at the GLOSS-GE-XVI | 24/09/2019 |
There are 35 participants associated with Sixteenth session of the Group of Experts for the Global Sea Level Observing System , 4 of whom are provisional .
Name | Country |
STOKES Theo | South Africa |
BORBA Cesar | Brazil |
DONATO Vincent | France |
EDWING Richard | United States of America |
FARRE Ruth | South Africa |
HAMMARKLINT Thomas | Sweden |
ILLIGNER Julia | Germany |
JAN Gwenaële | France |
JAYASWAL Zarina | Australia |
KNUDSEN Per | Denmark |
KUILMAN Ronald | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
LIU Qiulin | China |
MACAULAY Phillip | Canada |
MATTHEWS Andrew | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MITCHELL Bill | Australia |
MITCHUM Gary | United States of America |
MONONEN Jyrki | Finland |
PEREZ GOMEZ Begoña | Spain |
RAVNDAL Oda | Norway |
RICKARDS Lesley | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
SANDE BORCK Hilde | Norway |
SCHÖNE Tilo | Germany |
SMITH Emily | United States of America |
STEPHANO Richard | United Republic of Tanzania |
STONE Peter | United States of America |
TESTUT Laurent | France |
THOMPSON Philip | United States of America |
TIEN DO Anh | Viet Nam |
VON GYLDENFELDT Anna | Germany |
WANG Hui | China |
WIDLANSKY Matthew | United States of America |
WIN Tun | Myanmar |
WOPPELMANN Guy | France |
WYATT David | Monaco |
ZAVALA-HIDALGO Jorge | Mexico |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 35
Confirmed: 31
Not confirmed: 4
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 12:19 on 10 Oct 2018 by Elena Iasyreva
Last Updated at 16:40 on 05 Jul 2019 by Elena Iasyreva