Marine GIS Applications for Coastal Zone Management
OTGA/INCOIS Training Course
Training Course
28 August - 01 September 2017
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services
Ocean Valley, Pragathi Nagar , Nizampet
Hyderabad 500 090
Organiser(s) & Staff
Attendance by application.
This course provides an overview and hands on GIS applications pertaining to coastal zone using ArcGIS software. This comprises the data acquisition, processing, analysis and interpretation of spatial data. The applications of this course are aimed at producing inputs useful for the coastal zone management. Aims and Objectives •To provide an introduction to GIS for marine applications •Utilization of open source spatial data •To provide hands on GIS applications pertaining to the coastal zone Learning Outcomes •Knowledge and understanding of GIS, spatial data, raster and vector models •Core tasks involved in the GIS analysis process including data acquisition, manipulation and analysis, and presentation and output •Core functionality of ArcMap, Arc Catalogue and Arc Toolbox
•Creating and editing spatial data •Awareness of coastal GIS data and applications Target Audience Target audience includes, but are not limited to, the following: •Ocean and coastal data managers •Staff and researchers working on marine GIS applications •University graduates NOTE: priority will be given to participants originating from the Indian Ocean Rim countries. Limited funding (including travel grants) for participation is available for researchers from developing countries. No registration fee is required. UNESCO is committed to promote gender equality. Therefore, applications from women candidates are strongly encouraged. Course Pre-requisites: •Candidates should have a working knowledge of marine data and formats and preferably be working in institution which is responsible for the management of marine data •This training course is not an introduction to GIS so candidates are expected to have some previous experience in the use of GIS •Working knowledge of the English language A Certificate of Participation will be issued to all successful students.
Attendance is by selection. Please complete the online application form: Period for Applications: 13 April to 31 May 2017. Before you start to fill the online application form, please make sure to have available the following: - a motivation statement (text file) of maximum 300 words; - scan of the bio page of your passport; in case you are a national of the host country a valid identification/citizen card can be used instead of the passport; - scan of the endorsement letter (in case you are asking for funding) - link to your profile on OceanExpert (; if you don't have one make sure you create one in advance. The deadline to submit the application closes 31 May 2017. Do not leave for the last minute since the system will close automatically. In case you have any questions please contact the organizers well in advance.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Course Flyer: Marine GIS Applications for Coastal Zone Management | 11/04/2017 |
Local information- OCZM course | 03/08/2017 |
There are 37 participants associated with Marine GIS Applications for Coastal Zone Management .
Name | Country |
ARULRAJ Murugavel | India |
DUTT CBS | India |
MOHANTY Prakash Chandra | India |
N Kiran Kumar | India |
POOLA Saibharadwaj | India |
RANGANALLI Mahendra | India |
RAO K.H. | India |
Name | Country |
AKHTER Dilruba | Bangladesh |
RANI Seema | Bangladesh |
BISOYI Hrusikesh | India |
KUMARI Rina | India |
BARIK Shraban | India |
VEERAMUTHU Anandabaskaran | India |
VALLIYODAN Sudheesh | India |
P Vinaya | India |
RAJASREE SR. Radhika | India |
MARKOSE Vipin | India |
YADAV Arunkumar | India |
RAJAIAH Kannan | India |
LOUDYA Ravi | India |
G John | India |
DEV BURMAN Shubhankar | India |
TYAGI Sindhu | India |
B Deepika | India |
GARLAPATI Nagababu | India |
KUMAR Ajeet | India |
MESTA Prakash | India |
ADJI Arif | Indonesia |
GWADA Faith | Kenya |
DA SILVA Noca | Mozambique |
J R Rajapriyadharshini | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
CAMILLE Lyroy | Seychelles |
BIJOUX Jemima | Seychelles |
WERAGODATENNA Deepasika | Sri Lanka |
DISSANAYAKE Prabodani | Sri Lanka |
RUPASINGHE Dammith | Sri Lanka |
TAWISUWAN Sitakarn | Thailand |
NGO Ly | Viet Nam |
LUONG Thien | Viet Nam |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 40
Confirmed: 37
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 3
Rejected: 0
Label(s): IOC Capacity Development Training course , IODE Training course , OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 11:04 on 04 Aug 2017 by Cláudia Delgado
Last Updated at 16:09 on 18 Oct 2017 by Cláudia Delgado