Phase 1 Review for Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project for Indonesia (CIFDP-I)
06 - 09 October 2014
Eastparc Hotel Yogyakarta
Jl. Laksda Adisucipto Km.6.5, Seturan
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
[Purpose of the Meeting]
- To review progress in the Phase 1 implementation of the CIFDP-I
- To discuss on the system implementation approach and the forecasting system setup, as defined in the CIFDPImplementation Plan (JCOMM Technical Report No.64)
- To decide on the next steps for project implementation
- Summary report of the meeting
- Review and (if necessary) update of the National Capacity Assessment (NCA)
- Review of user requirements so far identified; and update with input of later stage, for the documentation of the User Requirements Plan (URP)
- Discussion and agreement on the CIFDP-I communication plan
- An updated outline for a Coastal Inundation Forecasting System specification for Jakarta/Semarang

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
CIFDP-I summary and activity plan | 27/07/2015 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
CIFDP Framework | 10/07/2015 |
Case Study of Flood and Coastal Inundation | 10/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I Activity plans 9 Oct2014 | 10/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I | CIFDP-I-RA5 Side meeting | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I | CIFDP-I-DNA | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I | CIFDP Presentation Oct 2014 | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I | CIFDP perjanjian | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I | CIF Indonesia | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP Technical Review | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I-Model flow | 27/07/2015 |
Prex CIFDP | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP FEWS | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I models edit | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I Project Plan | 27/07/2015 |
NCA | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP ITB | 27/07/2015 |
Paparan Kalak | 27/07/2015 |
CIFDP-I User requirement plan | 27/07/2015 |
NCA draft | 27/07/2015 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-TR-064, SPA_ETWS_CIFDP_001 | Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project (CIFDP) Implementation Plan | 07/08/2014 |
There are 39 participants associated with Phase 1 Review for Coastal Inundation Forecasting Demonstration Project for Indonesia (CIFDP-I) , 1 of whom is provisional .
Name | Country |
ADI Tukul | Indonesia |
AMRINA Dava | Indonesia |
GUNAWAN Indra | Indonesia |
HABIBIE Najib | Indonesia |
HIDAYATI Deny | Indonesia |
HUDA Syamsul | Indonesia |
MEGAWATI Erwin | Indonesia |
MJ Marjuki | Indonesia |
MURTININGRUM Alexandra | Indonesia |
MUSYAWARDANA Bambang | Indonesia |
NINGSIH Nining | Indonesia |
NURHAYATI Noer | Indonesia |
PANDOE Wahyu | Indonesia |
PRABOWO Mulyono Rahardi | Indonesia |
PRAMUJO Bagus | Indonesia |
PRAYOGO Teguh | Indonesia |
PRIYATNA Fatriyandi | Indonesia |
PUSPO S Poernomo | Indonesia |
PUTUHENA William | Indonesia |
RAMDHANI Andri | Indonesia |
RATRI Dian | Indonesia |
RIAMA Nelly | Indonesia |
RIBUDIYANTO Kukuh | Indonesia |
SAKYA Andi Eka | Indonesia |
SETYOWATI Ana | Indonesia |
SOPAHELUWAKAN Ardhasena | Indonesia |
SRI Dwi | Indonesia |
SULISTYA Widada | Indonesia |
SUPANGAT Agus | Indonesia |
SUTIANI Niki | Indonesia |
WAHYU Agus | Indonesia |
WIBISENO Tatag | Indonesia |
Name | Country |
DAVIES Paul | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
RESIO Donald | United States of America |
SWAIL Val | Canada |
VATVANI Deepak | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
Name | Country |
LEE Boram | Switzerland |
Name | Country |
ALIA NENG | Indonesia |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 39
Confirmed: 38
Not confirmed: 1
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 11:02 on 16 Sep 2014 by Boram Lee
Last Updated at 09:23 on 11 Sep 2024 by Sofie de Baenst