Third meeting of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the South West Pacific Region
3rd ICG/PTWS-WG SW Pacific
14 July 2012
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
At the kind invitation of the Government of Samoa, a regional Workshop on Effective Tsunami Disaster Reduction Implementation Progress in Pacific Island Countries and PTWC Proposed Enhanced Products will be held from 12 to 13 July 2012 in Apia, Samoa. This will be followed by the third meeting of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the South-West Pacific Region (3rd ICG/PTWS-WG SW Pacific) on 14 July 2012 also to be held at the same venue. The Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the South-West Pacific (ICG/PTWS-WG SW Pacific) was extended at the 24th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS XXIV, Beijing, China) with Ms Filomena Nelson (Samoa) as its Chair and Don Anderson (Australia) as Vice-Chair, and with the following Terms of Reference: 1. To continually review and evaluate capabilities of and make recommendations for improvements to countries in the Southwest Pacific Region for providing end-to-end tsunami warning and mitigation services; 2. To support the involvement and contribution of SWP countries in the activities of the ICG/PTWS; 3. To promote and facilitate the tsunami hazard and risk studies in the SWP region; 4. To facilitate cooperation in the establishment and upgrading of seismic and sea level stations and networks in the region, and the interoperability of these systems in accordance with ICG/PTWS requirements; 5. To facilitate training and capacity building in the end to end tsunami warning and mitigation system in the region; 6. To encourage the sharing of tsunami information in the region, including but not limited to the free and open exchange of data, and 7. To facilitate tsunami awareness in school curricula, and development and dissemination of public educational materials; 8. To work in cooperation with PTWS Working Group 3, especially on activities which strengthen country capacity in tsunami emergency response. The Group is comprised of representatives from Member States and territories of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) as members and observers. The following SPC member countries are UNESCO and or IOC Members : Australia, Cook Is, Fiji, France, New Zealand, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, United Kingdom, United States of America and Vanuatu.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
- 1 - Opening
- 2 - Agenda
- 3 - Terms of Reference for Working Group - Workshop Summary: note outcomes - Progress of TWS Programs in SWP -- New PTWC Products – Action items and priorities from SOP Workshop -- TsunamiSmart/TsunamiReady Program – Discussion on Interest and Way Forward
- 4 - SWP-Seismic Data Sharing Task Team -- Seismic data sharing -- ORSNET-Virtual Server --- PTWS-XXIII Sessional Working Group on Data Exchange in the South West Pacific Recommendations --- Progress and updates on seismic networks ---- SWP Monitoring, Warning, Dissemination -- Threat Assessments and Threshold Tables --- Modelling and Mapping --- Warning Dissemination Systems --- Presentation – Samoa
Earthquake detection & dissemination systems - 5 - SWP –WG 3 Awareness and Emergency Response --- Activities to Strengthen Tsunami Emergency Response --- PTWS-XXIV.2 on Awareness and Education and WG 3 ToR ----- SWP – PacWave11 and other Exercises
- 6 - SWP TWS Program – Identification and packaging of sub-projects and/or activities to fill gaps identified in workshop, in the framework of WG ToR: ---- Hazard and risk studies; ----- Seismic and Sea Level Networks, data sharing; ---- Training and Capacity Building; ---- Awareness; ----- Tsunami Emergency Response
- 7 - SWP Pacific Program - Implementation Plan and Funding, with Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress through ICG/PTWS-XXV (August, 2013)
- 8 - IOC Membership – encouraging countries to join ---- Presentation to the RAV TCC Meeting ----- Next meeting
- 9 - Closing
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
4 | Earthquake detection & dissemination systems | 25/09/12 |
There are 22 participants associated with Third meeting of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the South West Pacific Region , 7 of whom are provisional .
Name | Country |
ANDERSON Don | Australia |
BAQUI Carol | United States of America |
BENIAMINA Iokenti | Kiribati |
BERGIN Mike | Australia |
FA'ANUNU 'Ofa | Tonga |
GARAEBITI Esline | Vanuatu |
GIBSON Davidson | Vanuatu |
GLEDHILL Ken | New Zealand |
HIRIASIA David | Solomon Islands |
KEMP Justin | New Zealand |
KONG Laura | United States of America |
KUROIWA Koji | Switzerland |
LEWIS Jennifer | United States of America |
MCCREERY Charles | United States of America |
NELSON Filomena | Samoa |
NGARI Arona | Cook Islands |
PRASAD Rajendra | Fiji |
PULEHETOA Sionetasi | Niue |
TAIKI Henry | Samoa |
TITIMAEA Mulipola Ausetalia | Samoa |
TUIVAGA William | Cook Islands |
YOUNG JR Edward H | United States of America |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 22
Confirmed: 15
Not confirmed: 7
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 16:42 on 09 May 2012 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 00:31 on 26 Sep 2012 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel