Twenty-sixth Session of the IOC Assembly, Paris, 21 June - 5 July 2011

Summary Full report in English only. Includes also the Report of the 44th session of the Executive Council.
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 27 Sep 2011
This document is in the list(s): IOC Governing Body Reports
This document is used in the event(s): 45th Session of IOC Executive Council
Twelfth Intergovernmental Session of the UNESCO IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions (SC-IOCARIBE-XII)
26th Session of the IOC Assembly

Group(s): IOC
Created at 10:06 on 27 Sep 2011 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 11:11 on 13 Dec 2012 by Patrice Boned