OceanExpert ID : 20975

Universidade Técnica do Atlântico

(Atlantic Technical University)


Campus de Ribeira de Julião
163 Mindelo
São Vicente
Cape Verde




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The Atlantic Technical University (Cabo Verde) is a novel public university from 2020 and its mission is to offer undergraduate and graduate education, research, and public services as a centre for regional knowledge. UTA inherited the 35 years of experience of its precedent institutions and together with other two independent institutions, UTA formed the "Campus do Mar" established by the Government with the aim of preparing highly qualified professionals and promoting applied research, and international scientific cooperation in key areas for the development of Cabo Verde. The ISECMAR institute became the embryo of UTA, with the mission to integrate higher education into international dynamics and to promote the training of excellence professionals, with technical-scientific skills equipped to the highest levels of international quality to serve the country's development objectives on branches of engineering, maritime and marine sciences

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Created: 2020-09-03 by Rui Freitas | Last Updated: 2022-12-26 by Rui Freitas