OceanExpert ID : 20841
Centre d’Ingéniérie des Protéines
(Center for Protein Engineering)
Quartier Agora Allée du 6 Août, 13 Bât B6a
4000 Liège – Sart Tilman
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+32 4 3663341
Université de Liège
(University of Liege)
The Center for Protein Engineering (Centre d’Ingéniérie des Protéines, CIP) is a multidisciplinary research Center of the University of Liège, Belgium. It is part of the Faculty of Sciences and of the Research Unit InBioS (Integrative Biological Sciences). CIP members also contribute actively to teaching programs, essentially as affiliates of the Department of Life Sciences.
The Center provides complementary approaches for the analysis of structure and function relationships of proteins. Nine closely interacting research teams constitute the framework of the Centre (see RESEARCH) offering cutting-edge expertise, from isolated proteins to integrated cellular networks, with special reference to antibiotic resistance.
The Center also manages two technological platforms for protein expression, purification and analysis, which are both accessible to academic and commercial partners.