OceanExpert ID : 20389

Aqua Analytica Press, Inc.


Aqua Analytica Press, Inc.
Raleigh, NC 27609
United States




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Aqua Analytica Press, Inc. (AAP) is a new digital platform for citizen scientists and trained researchers to share their ideas/findings, programs, and experiences as they relate to the world of water (fresh and salt). By bridging these interdisciplinary gaps and working to solve hydrological problems on a global (and unanimous) scale -- we will better contribute to the conservation and understanding of our most vital and obscure watery ecosystems. To accomplish this and more, we plan to incorporate more content driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as partner with other non-profits, NGOs, and governmental agencies to achieve our common goals.

Our mission is to exchange ideas and encourage humanity to not only care about our hydrological surroundings, but to also improve our education, attention and longevity to a given water issue (see list below) for the sound inheritance of those surroundings to other generations. Our goal is to unite our research, resources, talents/skills, efforts and acumen to enhance water conservation -- and perhaps, in doing so, avoiding future pollution and wars of/over it. 

Prevalent water Issues we're hoping to solve:

1. Marine debris, ocean plastics and micro-plastics

2. Harmful algal blooms and ocean acidification

3. Sea-level rising

4. Ocean heating

5. Bio-fouling and transport of invasive aquatic species

6. Knowledge of deep oceans

7. High latitude (arctic) observations - more specific of this area

8. Air-sea fluxes

Armed with these values, we most recently attended "OceanObs19" -- a decadal conference that brought scientists and communities (ranging from researchers to end-users) from all over the world to discuss the future of ocean observation. As part of this galvanizing series, we enjoyed the opportunity to join and contribute to this on-going conversation and understanding of our massive seas. 

Associated Experts
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Show Records

Chelsey FATTAL
Scientist, Researcher

Created: 2019-10-01 by Chelsey Fattal | Last Updated: 2022-12-08 by Chelsey Fattal