District 9, Meraj Blvd
Azadi Square
+98 21 6607 1001
Iran is a country with an area of more than 1600000 km2 that contains a great topographic diversity and 2500 km coastal borders. National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC) is the main authority for production of maps and spatial information under the I.R. President's Deputy for Planning and Strategic Supervision. It has more than half a century of experience in this respect.
NCC has 800 well experienced personnel utilising the latest technologies in map and spatial information. Based on the ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management system, NCC undertakes supervision and technical control of mapping and spatial information projects. These projects are carried out by NCC itself, other governmental organizations and private mapping companies. Production of base map of the country of Iran at 1:25000 scale, marine charts at 1:25000 and 1:100000 scales, design and establishment of National Geodetic Control as well as Geodynamical networks, establishment of national, regional, and urban spatial topographic databases, production of small scale base maps at 1:50000, 1:100000, and 1:250000 scales and national atlases are examples of what have been accomplished by NCC.
The development of Geomatics during the last half century in the world has faced considerable challenges in different aspects in Iran. This was not possible without great efforts of spatial data producers and users as well as people in research and education. Issues such as growing demand for cartographic products, great interest in Geomatics education, revolutionary movement towards digital technology, standardization efforts in this field and popularity of GIS and remote sensing applications has led to development of the country in the field of Geomatics.
Several national organizations, ministerial and municipal offices as well as many private companies are active in the field of mapping and spatial information production in Iran. Their activities and products are needed by decision makers and general users. The national organizations concentrate their efforts on small-scale base mapping. Other governmental surveying offices and private companies are mostly involved in high resolution spatial information production needed for national and provincial projects.
Also majority the research in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS and digital mapping are carried out by national organizations, institutions and universities. However, a few private companies are also making remarkable progress in research for commercial products and services.
According to the abovementioned, NCC declares its readiness to conduct and supervise all kinds of mapping and spatial information projects at the national and international levels.

Tide expert

Abdoreza SAADAT
General Director of Geodesy & Land Surveying Department

Head of Tide and Tidal Current Division

Head of Hydrography and Tidal Analysis Department