Task Team on Instrument Standards and Satellite Communications Systems (TT-ISSC)

(Terms of Reference as decided by SOT-9)

The Task Team shall :

  1. Compile information and provide guidance on existing activities, procedures and practices within JCOMM relating to instrument testing, standardization and intercalibration, as well as the standardization of observation practices and procedures;

  2. Using guidance contained in existing guides including the WMO Guides on Instruments and Methods of Observation (WMO-No.8) communicate with manufactures regarding new technologies and recognized equipment problems when requested;

  3. Prepare dedicated Webpages containing this information, to be made widely available through the JCOMM web site and linked from other relevant websites (JCOMMOPS, VOS, DBCP, SOOP, and SOT);

  4. Perform inter-comparisons as required by SOT sessions;

  5. Review and comment relevant JCOMM Publications when requested to make sure they are kept up to date;

  6. Evaluate the operational and cost-effective use of satellite data telecommunication systems for the real-time collection of VOS and SOOP data in support of the World Weather Watch, GOOS, and GCOS;

  7. Evaluate and propose new communication systems for conventional VOS to substitute Code 41 and continue to monitor the cost implications of Code 41;

  8. Liaise with international organizations (IMO, IMSO) and with telecom providers to take into account expected evolutions.


Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName
Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName