The JCOMM Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG)

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Terms of Reference
(As approved by JCOMM-5)

The Data Management Coordination Group, in close collaboration with the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) and Commission for Basic Systems subsidiary bodies and related experts, shall:

(a) Maintain a data management plan for JCOMM that identifies, assesses and specifies priorities and actions for the Data Management Programme Area addressing issues relevant to both real time and delayed mode marine meteorological data management

(b) In concurrence with the co-presidents of JCOMM and the co-chairs of the International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE), establish and create expert teams, task teams, and pilot projects, as appropriate, to undertake the work of the Data Management Programme Area;

(c) Ensure collaboration, appropriate coordination and liaison with IODE as well as with the Commission for Basic Systems (CBS) and other relevant bodies and activities external to WMO and IOC;

(d) Keep under review, assess and coordinate the adoption of appropriate new information technology;

(e) Establish and maintain cooperation with science programmes and assist with their data management activities, as appropriate;

(f) Provide advice and feedback to users of the Data Management Programme Area functions, through the appropriate JCOMM Programme Area, through IODE directly;

(g) Identify capacity development requirements related to the Programme Area and, as appropriate, coordinate activities to address these requirements;

(h) Identify satellite data and information related to the Programme Area.

General membership

The membership of the Data Management Coordination Group (DMCG) is selected to ensure a range of expertise, and to maintain an appropriate geographical and gender representation,

The membership of the Data Management Coordination Group, for the priority areas of metocean data management, will include:

(a) Data Management Programme Area Coordinator (Chairperson of the Data Management Coordination Group);

(b) Chairpersons of the: Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP), Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC), and the Inter-Programme Expert Team for Integrated Marine Meteorological and Oceanographic Services within WMO and IOC Information Systems (IPET-MOIS);

(c) IODE Co-Chairpersons

(d) Up to four additional experts with experience in the priority areas of oceanography and marine meteorology data management in the DMCG workplan;

Additional experts may be invited as appropriate, with the concurrence of the co-presidents of the Commission, on a self-funded basis, and in general with no resource implications to JCOMM.

Sessions of the Group

- Sixth Session(27-31 June 2016, Ostend, Belgium)[report]
- Fifth Session (29-31 Jan. 2014, Geneva, Suisse)[Event Info]
- Fourth Session (8-9 April 2010, Ostend, Belgium)[report]
- Third Session (26-28 March 2008, Ostend, Belgium) [report]
- Second Session (10-12 October 2006, Geneva, Switzerland) [report]
- First Session (22-25 May 2002, Paris, France) [report]

NameGroup RoleCountry (worklocation)
NameGroup RoleCountry (worklocation)