Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Chemical Oceanography
Phytoplankton and Zooplankton biomass, abundance, and species composition from the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Goa and
Maharashtra coastal waters. Phytoplankton culture, bio-optical studies, biogeochemistry, primary production measurements, phytoplankton-associated bacteria,
Harmful algal bloom, experimental studies on carbon sequestration by phytoplankton and the effects of ocean acidification on
Sea regions of study
Arabian Sea
Indian Ocean
Southern Ocean
Taxonomy: Phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrobenthos, mangrove and fish.
• Culture: Phytoplankton and Bacteria.
• Molecular Biology: DNA Extraction, Nanodrop, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, etc.
• Microbial Techniques: Media preparation, streaking, spreading, staining of microorganisms, isolation, plating, inoculation, and
• Instruments: HPLC, Atomic absorption spectrometer, epifluorescence microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), UVspectrometer, stereo microscope, pH and turbidity meter, TOC analyser, pH controller, Fluorometer.
• Equipment: YSI Exo2 Multiparameter Sonde, Niskin bottles and CTD devices, Multiplankton Net, ADCP Doppler Technology,
Van Veen Grab, Corer (Piston, Gravity and Multi-corer).
• Programming Languages: Fortran, R.
• Data Analysis and Visualisation: R (Level - 1), IBM SPSS, PAST, Excel for data analysis and visualisation, Grapher, Golden
Software Surfer, QGIS, ODV - Ocean Data View, Google Earth Pro.
• Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop, Canva or other online design tools.
• Productivity Tools: Microsoft Office suite, Google Workspace, Mendeley, project management tools.