OceanExpert ID : 60176
Department of Computing & Systems Engineering
Universidad Catolica del Norte, Antofagasta
Av. Angamos 0610, Antofagasta
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Curriculum Vitae: Ranjit Das
Developer of the new earthquake moment magnitude scale, Das Magnitude Scale
Editor Scientific Reports, Discover Civil Engineering.
Associate Editor (Theory), Journal of Geophysics
Assistant Professor, Universidad Catolica Del Norte, Chile, Antofagasta
Date of Birth: May 01, 1979
Contact No: +56 9 6514 5197
Email: ranjit244614@gmail.com, ranjit.das@ucn.cl
Current Position
· I have been working as an Academician at Universidad Catolica del Norte, Chile since July1, 2021.
Research Interests
· Earthquake Magnitude, Seismicity study, Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment, Earthquake Catalog and GPS strain data, Computational Seismology
· Earthquake Data Analysis, Statistical and Mathematical modeling, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Markov Chain, Statistical Seismology
· Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, Matlab, R, Big Data Analysis, OPENSHA, OPENQUAKE
· Ph.D. Thesis title: "Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for North East India Region," Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, India (degree awarded on 23/09/2013).
· Master of Technology in Computational Seismology, Tezpur University 2006-2008.
· Master of Computer Application (MCA) Tezpur University, 2001-2004
· Bachelor of Science (Honors) Physics, Guwahati University, 2001
· Project1: “SEISMIC HAZARD IN NORTHERN CHILE FROM EARTHQUAKE CATALOG VERSUS GNSS STRAIN RATE”, Principal Investigator, (Total Cost 53 Lakhs). This project is funded by FONDECYT, Grant ID: 11200618, duration 2020-2022
· Project 2: “Propuesta de guía, elaboración de mapas y plataforma de multiamenaza para la toma de decisiones críticas y adaptaciones al cambio climático de regiones metropolitanas y grandes conurbaciones de Chile”, Co-PI, This project is funded by FONDEF, CONICYT with ID: D19/10021 during 03.01.2020 to 03.01.2022
· Project 3: “AGUA Andean geo scientific network for strengthening environmental interdisciplinary research associated with water resource”s, Co-PI, This project is funded by FONDECYT Grant ID FOVI220217, duration 2023-2024
· Project 4: FONDAP 15110017, “CIGIDEN, Research Center for integrated Disaster Risk Management” during 2016-2019 as Post doctorate Fellow.
· Project 5: Project No. EQD-6034 /2014-15, Research Associate, Project entitled “Site specific Design Earthquake Parameters Study for Tagurstrit HEP in Arunachal Pradesh reg. Additional Probabistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (psHA) study” during June 2015 to 19 August, 2015
Ph.D Guidance ongoing:
1) Ms. Pallavi Thesis “Regression Analysis” Manipal University Jaipur, India. registration on dated 16.07.2019.
2) Ms Boudebouda Afaf Thesis “Contribution to seismic hazard estimation for Northeast Algeria”, Civil Engineering Department, Universite Badji Mokhatar –Annaba, registration 2020.
3) Arindam Das, “Seismic Hazard Assessment of India”, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay started on July 2022
Industrial Experiences:
· Research Consultant (from 03.03.2016 to 30.6.2016) at AON, Bangalore. Worked on stochastic event set generation for Vietnam, and calculation of uncertainty band for seismic hazard and Risk assessment.
· R &D Specialist (July 2014 - April 2015) at the Center of Excellence of American Insurance Group, Bangalore.
· Assistant Technical Specialist (from April 2014 to June 2014) at Risk Management Solution India (RMSI), Noida. Worked on National Earthquake Hazard model for India using GIS.
· Work as Technical Support Person (From 26.02.2005 to 30.09.2006), HCL Info system Limited
Teaching Experiences
During 2015-16
Course entitled for postgraduate “Advanced Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering” in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Civil Engineering Department from in 2016
During 2019-2022
I have teaching experience at Universidad Catolica Del Note, Computer Science Department, and Antofagasta
a) Data Mining (2019)
b) Machine Learning (2019)
During 2022 I took the following courses
a) Introduction to Data Science (First Semester)
b) Advanced Modelling and Simulation (Second Semester) FAIC-02306 (60091)
c) Advanced Modelling and Simulation (Second Semester), DAII-01509 (60253)
d) Machine Learning (2019), DAIS-01421 (60139)
During 2023 I took the following course
a) Introduction to Data Science (First Semester)
Research Experience:
· Postdoctoral Fellow (from 05-08-2019 31.07.2021 date) in Universidad Cató1lica del Norte.
· Postdoctoral Fellow (from 01-08-2016 till 31-07-2019) in Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in a project funded by Government of Chile (Grant ID: 15110017, CIGIDEN).
· Postdoctoral Fellow (August 2015- March 2016) in Civil Engineering Department of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. Worked on uncertainty analysis of seismic hazard assessment.
· Research Associate from June 02, 2015, to August 31, 2015, in Earthquake Engineering Department, at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
· Fellow A (from August 30, 2012, to March 2014) in Earthquake Engineering Department, at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
Research Overview
My research focuses on advancing seismic hazard assessment and earthquake magnitude estimation. I have made significant contributions in the following areas:
1. New Earthquake Magnitude Scale: I developed a novel earthquake measuring scale, the Das Magnitude Scale, which surpasses the conventional Moment Magnitude (Mw) scale. The Das Magnitude Scale extends the moment magnitude scale to include lower and intermediate magnitudes, with a particular emphasis on utilizing body waves, especially P waves. By incorporating abundant data from various sources, including the International Seismological Centre (ISC) and Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) databases, this scale provides more accurate magnitude estimates and enhances seismic hazard and risk assessment on a global scale (P#20, 25)
2. Improved General Orthogonal Regression (GOR) Techniques for preparing Earthquake Catalog: I have extensively researched and enhanced the application of General Orthogonal Regression (GOR) in earthquake magnitude conversion. By refining the conventional GOR approach, I developed an improved methodology that considers the true points on the GOR line, resulting in unbiased estimates of conversion magnitudes. This approach offers superior accuracy, lower errors in slope and intercept, improved correlation coefficients, and standard error values compared to standard least-square regression (SLR) and conventional GOR methods. Furthermore, I demonstrated the susceptibility of conventional GOR to error variance ratio, whereas the proposed GOR technique remains robust. These advancements in GOR have significant implications for earthquake magnitude conversion and seismic hazard estimation (P#6, 7, 8, 13, 18)
3. Seismic Hazard Assessment Studies:
Northeast India: For one of the most seismic regions in the world, northeastern India, I conducted comprehensive seismic hazard assessments. I prepared a unified earthquake catalog using my proposed methodology, incorporating geological and tectonic features, focal mechanism solutions, and spatial distribution of earthquake events. By deriving key parameters such as activity rate, seismicity parameter, and maximum magnitude, I determined seismic hazard values for different zones. Additionally, I created zoning maps for peak ground acceleration (PGA) and response spectral amplitudes, enabling accurate hazard computations and facilitating risk assessment in the region. Additionally, I performed Monte Carlo simulations to quantify uncertainty and express the results in terms of mean and Coefficient of Variation (COV). Furthermore, I prepared design spectra for various return periods, contributing to the understanding of seismic hazards in the Himalayan region (P#15).
b. Chilean Seismic Gap:
I present a comprehensive Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) model for Southern Peru and Northern Chile. This seismically active region, situated between 17°S and 30°S, and 67°W and 74°W, has a history of destructive earthquakes and tsunamis. The study focuses on meticulous earthquake catalog quality control and derives regional magnitude scale correlations. PSHA calculations employ the Cornell-McGuire approach, considering a unified earthquake catalog, seismogenic source models, and ground motion attenuation. Seismic hazard maps are generated for peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral accelerations (SA) at different periods. The results are compared with observed ground motion data, providing valuable insights for seismic engineering design and hazard mitigation. The study enhances understanding and evaluation of seismic hazards in the region, contributing to improved seismic risk assessment and design practices (P#21)
In collaboration with fellow researchers, I developed a tsunami hazard assessment map for the Chilean seismic gap. This region, situated between 17°S and 30°S and 67°W and 74°W, is highly seismically active due to the convergence of the Nazca and South American tectonic plates. By utilizing synthetic simulations, we evaluated the potential tsunami hazards in the area, considering past destructive earthquakes and tsunamis. This work contributes to the mitigation of risks associated with seismic events in this region (P#19).
c. Himalayan Region: My research also encompasses seismic hazard assessment studies in the Himalayan region. By conducting seismotectonic modeling based on seismicity, focal mechanism, and fault patterns, I evaluated the hazards and risks associated with earthquakes in this geologically complex area (P#12).
In summary, my research encompasses the development of a new earthquake magnitude scale, the refinement of General Orthogonal Regression techniques for preparation of earthquake Catalog, and extensive seismic hazard assessment studies in regions such as Northeast India, the Chilean seismic gap, and the Himalayan region. These contributions significantly enhance our understanding of seismic hazards, improve magnitude estimation accuracy, and aid in mitigating risks associated with catastrophic earthquakes.
28. Ranjit Das, Claudio Meneses and Hua (2024). Seismic and GNSS Strain-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Evaluation for Northern Chile using Das Magnitude Scal, Geo Environmental Disaster, (Accepted).
27. Afaf Boudebouda, Allaeddine Athmani & Das Ranjit (2024). A Unified Earthquake Catalog for Northern Algeria Based on an Advanced Moment Magnitude Scale Using a Robust Regression Method, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 181, pages 1117–1138, (2024)
26. Pallavi, Sandeep Joshi, Ranjit Das, Amit Kumar (2023). Disaster Database System in Assessment and Prediction of Seismic Hazard, Sadhana, Indian Academy of Science, Published
25. Das, Ranjit, Meneses Claudio, Diego Urrutia (2023), Regression relationships for conversion of body wave and surface wave magnitudes toward Das magnitude scale, Mwg, Natural Hazards, 117 (1), 365-380
24. Pallavi, Das, Ranjit, Sandeep Joshi, Claudio Meneses, Tinku Biswas (2023), Advanced Unified Earthquake Catalog for North East India,Applied Science, 13 (5), 2812
23. Das R. and Menesus C, (2021). Scaling relations for energy magnitudes, Journal of Geophysics, https://journal.geophysicsjournal.com/JofG/article/view/304.
22. Das R. and Menesus C (2021), A unified moment magnitude earthquake catalog for Northeast India, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Pages 167-180 | Received 18 Jun 2019, Accepted 08 Dec 2020, Published online: 06 Jan 2021, ISSN 1947-5705 (Print), Volume 12, 2021 - Issue 1
21. Das, Ranjit Gabriel Gonzalez, Juan Carlos de la Llera, Esteban Saez, Pablo Salazar, Juan Gonzalez, Claudio Meneses (2020), Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Northern Chile and Southern Peru, Engineering Geology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105585, Volume 271, 20 June 2020, 105585
20. Das, Ranjit, M.L.Sharma H.R.Wason, Deepankar Chodhury, Gabriel Gonzalez(2019). A seismic moment magnitude scale, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 109 (4): 1542-1555, 2019., ISSN NOO: 1943-3573 (print) 0037-1106 (web)
19. González, J. González, G., Aránguiz, R., Melgar, D., Zamora, N., Shrivastava, M., Das, R., Catalán, P. A., Cienfuegos, R. (2019). Earthquake scenarios for the Peru-Chile seismic gap: a hybrid deterministic and stochastic approach for tsunami hazard assessment. Natural Hazard, 100, 2020, 231–254., Electronic ISSN, 1573-0840. Print ISSN, 0921-030X. OCLC, 41975882.
18. Das, Ranjit, H.R.Wason, Gabriel Gonzalez, M.L.Sharma, Deepankar Chodhury, Narayan Roy, Pablo Salazar (2018). Earthquake Magnitude Conversion Problem, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 108 (4):2018, 1995-2007.
17. Das Ranjit, H.R. Wason, M.L.Sharma and Gabriel Gonzalez (2018). Reply to "comments on 'Unbiased estimation of moment magnitude from body- and surface- wave magnitudes' by R. Das, H.R.Wason and M. L. Sharma and 'Comparative analysis of regression methods used for seismic magnitudes conversions' by P.Gasperini, B.Lolli, and S.Castellaro" by J.Pujol, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 108 (1): 2018, 540-547.
16. H. R. Wason, Das, R., and M. L. Sharma (2018). Regression Relations for Magnitude Conversion for the Indian Region, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76855-7_4, Advances in Indian Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, ISBN: 978-3-319-76855-7
15. Das, Ranjit, M.L.Sharma, H.R.Wason (2016). Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Northeast India region, Pageoph, 173(8), 2016, 2653-2670.
14. Rout, M.M, Das, J., Kamal, K. and Das, R (2015). A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of NW and Central Himalayans and its adjoining region. Journal of Earth System Science, 124(3), 2015, 577-586
13. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2014). Unbiased Estimation of Moment Magnitude from Body and Surface Wave Magnitude. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, 104(4), 2014, 1802-1811, doi: 10.1785/0120130324
12. Patil, N.S., Das, j, Kumar, A., Rout, M.M and Das, R (2014). Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Himachal Pradesh and adjoining regions, corresponding author, Journal of Earth System Science, 123(1), 2014, 1-14.
11. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma(2014). Reply to “Comment on ‘General Orthogonal Regression relation between body and moment magnitudes’ by Ranjit Das, H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma” by Paolo Gasperini and Barbara Lolli Seismological Research Letters, 85(2), 2014, 352-353.
10. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2014). Reply to “Comment on ‘Magnitude conversion problem using general orthogonal regression’ by H. R. Wason, Ranjit Das and M. L. Sharma” by Paolo Gasperini and Barbara Lolli Geophysical Journal International, 196 (1), 2014, 628-631.
9. Jaka, R., Shiuly, A., and Das, R (2013). Liquefaction Potential for Kolkata City, International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, 4(2), 18-33, 2013, DOI: 10.4018/ijgee.2013070102
8. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2013). General Orthogonal Regression relation between body and moment magnitudes. Seismological Research Letters, 84(2), 2013, 219-224.
7. Wason, H. R. Das, R. and M. L. Sharma (2012). Magnitude Conversion Problem Using General Orthogonal Regression. Geophysical Journal International, 190(2), 2012, 1091-1096.
6. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2012). Magnitude conversion to unified moment magnitude using orthogonal regression relation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 50(2), 2012, 44–51.
5. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2012). Temporal and spatial variations in the magnitude of completeness for homogenized moment magnitude catalog for Northeast India. Journal of Earth System Science. 121(1), 2012, 19-28.
4. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2012). Homogenization of earthquake catalog for Northeast India and adjoining region. Pure and Applied Geophysics 169, 2012, 725-731.
3. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2011). Global regression relations for conversion of surface wave and body wave magnitudes to moment magnitude, Natural Hazards 59(2), 2011, 801-810.
2. Das, R. and H. R. Wason (2010). Comment on "A homogenous and complete earthquake catalog for Northeast India and the adjoining region" by R.B.S. Yadav, P. Bormann, B.K. Rastogi, M.C. Das, and S. Chopra. Seismological Research Letters 81(2), 2010, 232-234.
1. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2010). Variations in the magnitude of completeness and ‘b’ value for the Indian Himalaya region during the catalog period 1964-2007, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 2010, 143, Vol. 41 (Sp. Issue)
Conference Publications
18. Das, R., Meneses, C., Gonzalez, G (2022). A New Seismic Moment Magnitude (Mwg) and Moment Magnitude (Mw): Common Root and Differences. SSA, Annual meeting, 19–23 April
17. R Das, HR Wason, C Meneses (2022), Application of Regression Techniques for Preparing a Homogeneous Earthquake Catalog—An Overview, Proceedings of 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (Vol. 4) pp 501–509
16. Das, R., Wason, H.R (2018). Uncertainty analysis for seismic hazard: A case study for NE India region, 33rd Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet workshop, 10-12 September 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
15. Das, R., G. Gonzalez, (2018) Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Northern Chile and Southern Peru, American Geophysical Union (AGU)Fall meeting, 2018, 10-14 December, Washington DC, USA (Accepted)
14. Das, R., G. Gonzalez, J.F. Gonzalez, P, Salazar (2018) Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Northern Chile and Southern Peru, 15TH Geological Chilean National Congress, 18-23, November, 2018 (Accepted)
13. Gonzalez,J.F., G. Gonzalez, R. Aranguiz, G, Yanez,D.Melgar,P, Salazar, M. N Shrivastava, R,Das, P. A. Catalán, R. Cienfuegos (2017) Tsunamigenic scenarios for southern Peru and northern Chile seismic gap: Deterministic and probabilistic hybrid approach for hazard assessment, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting, 11-15 December, 2017, New Orleans, USA.
12. Das, R, D. Choudhury, M. L. Sharma and H. R. Wason (2016) Uncertainty Analysis for Seismic Hazard- A Case Study for Northeast India. 6th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics (6ICRAGEE), August 1- 6, 2016, IIT Roorkee Extension Centre, 20 Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida.
11. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2014). Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment For Northeast India, 15TH Symposium, Earthquake Engineering Conference, IIT Roorkee, 11-13, December, 2014 .
10. Shubham, B, Sudipta, G., Amit S, and Das, R. (2014). Seismic hazard analysis and determination of site specific ground motion parameter of Tollygunge Region, Kolkata, 15TH Symposium, Earthquake Engineering Conference, IIT Roorkee, 11-13, December, 2014.
9. Kumar, M., Wason, H.R, Das, R. (2013). Deterministic seismic hazard assessment of Dehradun City, Proceeding of Indian Geotechnical Conference, December 23-24, 2013.
8. Sushil Gupta, Surendra K, H.R.Wason and Das, R. (2012). A statistical analysis of completeness of earthquake data around Dehradun city and its implications for seismicity evaluation. 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 24 to 28 September, 2012, Lisbon, Potugal.
7. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2012). Homogenization of earthquake catalog in terms of unified moment magnitude using orthogonal regression relations. 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 24 to 28 September, 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.
6. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2012). General Orthogonal Regression in Magnitude Conversion for Dehradun and Adjoining Region. ISET Golden Jubilee Symposium - Indian Society of Earthquake, Roorkee, 20-21, October, 2012.
5. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2012). A new technique for earthquake magnitude conversion and its application towards probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Uttarakhand, 7th USSTC conference at Dehradun, 2012 (Extended abstract)
4. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2010). Regression relations towards unified moment magnitude earthquake catalogs for north-east India region. 14th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee December 17-19, 2010
3. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2009). Analysis of temporal variation in the magnitude of completeness and its uncertainty for north east India region. CEC-09, NIT Hamirpur, 18-19 September, 2009.
2. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2009). An analysis of magnitude of completeness for a Unified Homogeneous Moment Magnitude Catalog for North - East India Region. 9TH International Conference at Mexico (abstract).
1. Das, R., H. R. Wason and M. L. Sharma (2009). Temporal variation in the magnitude of completeness and its uncertainty for north east India and adjoining region. Second Disaster Management Congress, New Delhi, 4-6 November (Abstract).
Book Chapter (Springer Publications)
1) H. R. Wason, Das, R., and M. L. Sharma (2018). Regression Relations for Magnitude Conversion for the Indian Region, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76855-7_4, Advances in Indian Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, ISBN: 978-3-319-76855-7
2) R Das, HR Wason, C Meneses (2022), Application of Regression Techniques for Preparing a Homogeneous Earthquake Catalog—An Overview, Proceedings of 17th Symposium on Earthquake Engineering (Vol. 4) pp 501–509
Academic/Professional Body member
1) Academic Body member for doctoral program in Sustainable Engineering, Universidad Catolica Del Norte, Antofagasta since 2021
2) Academic Body member for doctoral program in Computer Science Department, Universidad Catolica Del Norte, Antofagasta
3) Academic Body member for doctoral program in Industrial Engineering Department, Universidad Catolica Del Norte, Antofagasta since 2023
4) Life Member (1430), Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, Executive body member
5) Executive Body member of Indian Society of Earthquake Technology, Executive body member during 2013-2015
6) Life Membership of Seismological Society of America
7) Membership for Sigma XI , The Scientific Research Honour Socitey , 2023
Editorial Board Members
1) I have been working as Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysics (https://journal.geophysicsjournal.com/JofG/about/editorialTeam#nav-menu) since 20.03.2020.
2) Associate Editor, Scientific Reports, Editors | Scientific Reports (nature.com)
3)Associate Editor, Editors | Discover Civil Engineering (springer.com)
4) Associate Editor, Journal Home:: Earth Sciences:: Science Publishing Group
5) Executive Body member of Indian Society of Earthquake Technology during 2013-2015.
Honorary Lectures
1. Keynote Speaker Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology during 29-30 March, 2014, College of Engineering Roorkee, India
2. Keynote Speaker on topic entitled “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Northeast India Region”, 06-07 November, 2015, Rajiv Gandhi University (A top ranked central Government University of India)
3. Invited Speaker on “Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale”, 13 August, 2021, Indian institute of Technology Roorkee, Tezpur, India
4. Keynote Speaker on “An Earthquake Measuring Scale”, 8 October, 2021, Indian Statistical Institute, Tezpur, India
5. Invited lecture on “An advanced Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale and its Application for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model”, National Institute of Silchar, India, on dated 22.02.2022
6. Invited lecture on “An advanced Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale and its Application for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model”, Jadavpur University, India, on dated 04.06.2022
7. Invited lecture on “An advanced Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale and its Application for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model”, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian school of Mine), Dhanbad, India, on dated 27.06.2022
8. Invited lecture on “An advanced Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale and its Application for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model”, Civil Engineering Department, Tezpur University, India, on dated 24.08.2022
9. Invited lecture on “An advanced Seismic Moment Magnitude Scale and its Application for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model”, Computer Science Engineering Department, Tezpur University, India on dated 24.08.2022
Convener for 2022 SSA annual meeting, Seismological Society of America for the session entitled “Exploring Earthquake Source Dynamics and Wave Propagation Properties in Tectonic and Lab Environments”
Co-Convener for 2023 EGU General Assembly,– Seismic Hazard Assessment (earthquake forecasting, engineering seismology, seismic and/or multihazard probabilistic assessment)
Organizing Workshop
Chairman of workshop entitled “Advanced Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment” at the XIV International Conference on computing and informatics in Northern Chile, on dated 07.09.2023
Selected Awards and Recognition
· Received Young Scientist Award from Uttarakhand Science and Technology in 2012.
· Received National Doctoral Fellowship from AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education), which is awarded to only top 50 students in various fields by the Government of India for pursuing better research (Duration of Fellowship: Aug 2009 – July 31 2013).
· Received Ministry of Human Resource Development fellowship from AICTE, by the Government of India (Duration of Fellowship: Aug 2008 – July, 2009).
· Included in the Marquis Who's Who in the World 2013 in its 31th Edition
International Conference/ Workshop Attended
- “Advanced Conference on seismic Risk Mitigation and Sustainable Development” held at the Abdus Salam International Centre for theoretical Physics, Italy from 10-14th MAY 2010.
- Paper presented at 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering held in Lisbon during 24-28, 2012.
- Workshop on “Quantification of Seismic Hazards” held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 15 - 21 November 2012 attended.
- Attend AGU meeting 2018, Washington, USA
- Attend SSA meeting 2021, Washington, USA
Software Developed during PhD Work.
· Orthogonal standard regression, Inverted Standard Regression, and Standard regression, Monte Carlo Simulation, Parsimony model to test the bare minimum parameter.
· Several softwares have been developed for analysis of entire world earthquake data reported by ISC, USGS and GCMT.
· Several softwares have been developed on new orthogonal regression techniques (Das et al., 2012, Das et al, 2018b).
Computing Skills
· Languages : C, C++, java (Servlet, JSP), Fortran
· Software : ARC GIS, R, MATLAB
· Platforms : Linux, Windows
· Databases : ORACLE 9i, MS SQL.
· Web servers : Apache Web server, JRUN.
1) Reviewers: Seismological Research Letter, Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, Journal of Geological Society of India, Natural Hazards, Acta Geophysica, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Natural Hazards and Risk
Languages Known
English, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Spanish.
- Earthquake Magnitude, Seismicity Study, Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment, Earthquake Catalog and GPS Strain Data, Computational Seismology
- Earthquake Data Analysis, Statistical and Mathematical Modeling, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Markov Chain, Statistical Seismology
I am an experienced researcher with a specialization in earthquake hazard assessment and magnitude scale. Over the past decade, I have conducted extensive research and published several papers in these areas, contributing to the understanding and mitigation of seismic risks