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Microbiological research including Primary production but concentrating on Phytoplankton taxonomy, enumeration methods and biomass calculations for a variety of samples both local and worldwide with particular interest in Arctic samples.
Identifications of the 3 main groups by light microscopy - Diatoms, Dinoflagellates and Ciliates. Small flagellates and bacterial counts done via flow cytometry.
Also the use of fluorescent and electron microscopes to assist with taxonomic identifications.
Sea regions of study
Barentsz Sea
Arctic Ocean
North Atlantic Ocean
Identification of Arctic phytoplankton. Identification of Choanoflaggelates. Microscopy, light, fluorescent, confocal and electron. Flow cytometry as well as a number of staining, fixation and observation methods for microscopy work
I have worked at SAMS for over 17 years now, always within the microbiology department doing a variety of jobs and running experiments as well as going on many fieldwork trips over the years. I work mostly on local and Arctic samples, I have been working on Arctic samples since 2008 and I have trained quite a few people both externally and internally on phytoplankton identifications.
I also assist with the undergraduate degree course at SAMS/UHI providing practical lectures on phytoplankton collection, fixation and enumeration as well as EM and AFC