Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Highest Degree
Msc. Environment; On going Ph.D.
Job Type
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Application of remote sensing techniques for studying shallow-water habitats in tropical environments. The project includes the creation of different datasets, mapping habitat, and substrate conditions, and modeling of the distribution of these habitats especially seagrass meadows.
A Leader of the MaCES research group at SUZA. Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Health and Services (MaCES) group at SUZA.
Coordinator of Environment and Geography Section at the State University of Zanzibar
Seagrass ecology; GIS ArcGIS software, QGIS software, R Software, Drone mapping, Environmental Impact Assessment, Strategic Impact Assessment, Remote Sensing, SPSS package and Project Management as well as Policy Review/Analysis
Currently a Lecturer at The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) under the School of Natural and Social Sciences. Also a researcher under the Tropical Center for Research on Oceanography and Natural Resources (TROCEN). A leader of the marine research group - Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Health and Services (MaCES) at SUZA.
My research interest is on shallow-water ecosystems especially seagrass-dominated habitats in tropical environments. This involves the application of remote sensing technology, the use of unoccupied automatic systems for monitoring shallow-water ecosystems, and assessing the ecological health of seagrass-dominated habitats.
I have also interests in the policy-science interface on the coastal environment; and worked on EIA and SEA; Environmental Policy Analysis and other topics on the society-environment relationship at large.