Highest Degree
PhD (McGill); MSc (York); BSc 1st-Class Hon. (Carleton)
Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Marine Biotechnology
Marine Products
As a principal investigator in many small and large multi-institutional research initiatives, I conduct oceanographic research with undergraduate and graduate students, PDFs and RAs on physical, biochemical, genetic, ecological and human influences on growth, reproduction, early life history, recruitment, survival, population structure and the distribution of marine organisms. Study organisms range from zooplankton to fishes, sea turtles and whales in systems as small as the Bay of Fundy and as large as the Coral Sea. Over the last ~25 years I have mentored 10 PDF/RAs, 19 graduate students, 17 honours students and 45 research assistants. I have contributed to ~100 peer-reviewed publications (h-index = 25), ~50 research reports and documents and ~200 conference, workshop and seminar presentations of which ~30% have been either invited contributions or keynote addresses. I teach fisheries oceanography, biological oceanography, tools and concepts and marine science and technology.
Dr. C.T. Taggart, Professor (fisheries oceanography), has been with the Oceanography Department at Dalhousie University since 1995. Prior to then he was a Research Scientist II with the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Centre in St. John’s, NL (1991-94); an Assistant Professor (NSERC-URF) in Oceanography at Dalhousie (1988-91); and an NSERC-PDF jointly with Dalhousie and the now defunct Marine Ecology Lab at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (1986-88). He received his PhD (Dean’s Honours) in 1986 at McGill University (Dr. W.C. Leggett, Advisor) where he was an NSERC Scholar and McConnell Fellow and won the American Fisheries Society Student Award of Merit and the Canadian Society of Zoology Outstanding PhD Thesis Award. He received his MSc in 1980 at York University (Dr. D. McQueen, Advisor) where he was an Ontario Graduate Scholar, and his BSc (Honours) at Carleton University (Dr. G. Merriam, Advisor).