Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
ResearcherID :
Subject Area
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Research Support Services
My current research interest is
in the field of marine renewable energy, coastal and ocean structures. More
specifically, I am interested in the characterization and development of novel
concepts to harness wave and offshore wind energy and how to approach combined
solutions for both technologies. The development of new wave energy converters
or hybrid wind-wave combined solutions by means of physical and numerical modelling
is a fundamental part of my daily research. The analysis of how co-located
wind-wave solutions (a particular type of combined wave-wind systems) can take
advantage of the multiple synergies between both technologies to increase their
sustainability and reduce costs is one of my key topics. The development of
novel offshore wind substructure systems (both fix and floating) able to go
deeper offshore and to combine them with other maritime activities is key for
the offshore wind sector to move forward, being aware of this relevance this
constitutes one of my particular research interests.
Working language(s)
Spanish (native)
Galician (native)
English (proficient)
French (basic)