Job Type
Operational Support (technical)
Subject Area
Chemical Oceanography
Climatology, Meteorology
I hold a PhD in Marine Biogeochemistry from the
University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK), where I worked with surface
ocean carbon data to develop an efficient neural network algorithm
allowing basin scale mapping of this parameter in the North Atlantic. I
then moved to Japan, where I joined a research group at the National
Institute for Environmental Studies (Tsukuba) to further improve the
statistical computing approach. My work resulted in successful mapping
of surface carbon and nutrients fields in the North Pacific accompanied
by fluxes estimates included in the RECCAP synthesis. Throughout my research carrier I was actively involved in field campaigns,
contributing surface measurements to the Surface Ocean CO2
Observing Network (SOCONET) and ocean interior measurements to the
Global Ocean Ship-based Hydrographic Investigations Program (GO-SHIP).
In 2011 I joined the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
of UNESCO (Paris, France) initially as a Deputy Director of the
International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project and since mid-2012 as
IOCCP’s Project Director (and Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)
Biogeochemistry Expert Panel Executive Officer). In this role
I coordinate the development
of globally acceptable strategies streamlining the ocean carbon and
biogeochemistry observations, and provide technical coordination developing
operating methodologies, practices and standards, homogenizing efforts of the
research community and scientific advisory groups through extensive interaction
with the scientific community via national and international organizations,
scientific steering committees, scientific workshops, and expert meetings.
I work directly with the IOCCP (SSG) Experts around the globe
to develop program priorities and implement specific activities covering a wide
range of themes in the Project’s portfolio. Working with the SSG Experts
requires maintaining a delicate balance between leadership, partnership and
support provision as their contributions are made on a pro-bono basis and are
rewarded by the positive impact that our efforts have on the global ocean
observing community. At the same time, I manage the Project Office staff,
delegating and prioritizing tasks allowing the Project
to meet the ever-growing demands of the global community. I use my leadership
and management skills to:
Identify priority measurements for implementation of GOOS observations
of ocean carbon and biogeochemistry, and promote development and adoption of necessary
measurements and measurement technology.
Develop activities to implement the goals and recommendations set by
international and intergovernmental bodies relevant to the work of IOCCP.
Develop and maintain a set of specifications, implementation goals, and
progress metrics for EOVs for ocean carbon and biogeochemistry parameters for
GOOS and corresponding Essential Climate Variables for the Global Climate
Observing System (GCOS).
Promote international agreements on measurement methodologies and best
practices, primary and secondary data quality control and quality assurance
procedures, data and metadata formats, and development and use of certified
reference materials.
Coordinate activities of individual networks and programs to streamline
ocean carbon and biogeochemistry measurements.
Facilitate a dialogue with stakeholders to implement a scientifically
and economically effective, fit-for-purpose observing system for ocean carbon
and biogeochemistry.
Develop and support training activities for users of observing
technologies (instruments, sensors and platforms) for ocean carbon and
Promote and develop interoperable data management activities and
policies to ensure open access to, and preservation of, fully documented ocean
carbon and biogeochemistry data.
Promote the integration of ocean carbon and biogeochemistry information
into research and assessments including the use of relevant data synthesis
products (e.g., SOCAT, GLODAP).
Serve as an international communication centre on ocean carbon and
biogeochemistry observing activities.
· Raise funds to implement the above activities