
Displaying 32701 – 32710 results of 33526.

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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
911 Training Course on Management of Marine Data and Information for the Mediterranean Region; Valletta; 1995 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
910 COI/CEADO Curso Regional de Capacitación en Gestión de Datos e Información Oceanográficos; Buenos Aires; 1994 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
909 IOC Training Course on Oceanographic Data Management for Black Sea Countries; Obninsk, Russian Federation; 1994 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
908 IOC/JODC Training Course on Oceanographic Data Management; Tokyo; 1993 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
907 IOC/SSTC/SOA Training Course on Marine Information Management and ASFA; Tianjin, China; 1992 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
906 IOC/JODC Training Course on Oceanographic Data Management; Tokyo; 1992 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
905 IOC/WESTPAC Training Course on Numerical Modelling of the Coastal Ocean Circulation; Matsuyama, Japan; 1993 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
904 ROPME/IOC Regional Training Course on Management of Marine Data and Information on Microcomputers for the ROPME Region; Kuwait; 1992 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
903 IOC/KMFRI/RECOSCIX (WIO) Regional Training Course on Microcomputer-based Marine Library Information Management; Mombasa, Kenya; 1992 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
902 IOC Training Course on the Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing to Marine Studies; Caracas; 1st; 1990 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
ID Title Date Doclist(s)