
Displaying 221 – 230 results of 33966.

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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
246 IODE Officers Meeting 2006 16/12/2006 IODE Session Working Documents
247 IODE Steering Group for MEDI, Third Session, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, 11-13 September 2006 16/12/2006 IODE Session Working Documents IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
248 (Draft) Minutes of Action Items and Decisions Agreed at ASFA Advisory Board Meeting, VLIZ, Oostende, Belgium, 4-8 September 2006 17/12/2006 Non-IOC Documents related to IODE activities
249 ASFA: the first twenty years; an outline history of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, 1971-1990 17/12/2006 IODE Books and Information Documents
250 IOC Circular Letter 2215 - NOMINATION OF IODE NATIONAL COORDINATORS FOR MARINE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 18/12/2006 IODE Session Working Documents IODE Circular Letters
251 CL-2123 - IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy - Implementation by Member States 18/12/2006 IODE Session Working Documents IODE Circular Letters
252 Implementation Status of the IODE-XVIII work plan (IODE-XVIII Action Sheet) as on 18 December 2006 18/12/2006 IODE Session Working Documents
253 IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange, Eighteenth Session, Kursaal, Ostend, Belgium, 26-30 April 2005 18/12/2006 IODE Session Reports IODE Session Working Documents
254 IODE Steering Group for Underway Sea Surface Salinity Data Pilot Project (SG-GOSUD), First Session, Brest, France, 15-16 November 2001 19/12/2006 IODE Groups of Experts and Steering Group reports
ID Title Date Doclist(s)