JCOMM-MR-076, SPA_SCG_meeting_SCG5_01

Services and Forecasting Systems Coordination Group (SCG), 5th session

Author(s) Peter Dexter, Ming Ji
Summary Melbourne, Australia, 7-8 May 2010
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 05 Jul 2010
Keywords Services, SCG, meeting report
This document is in the list(s): [Official JCOMM Publication] JCOMM Meeting Report Series
[Working Documents] Services Programme Area
This document is used in the event(s): 3rd meeting of the JCOMM Expert Team for Operational Ocean Forecast Systems
6th session of the Services and Forecast Systems Program Area Coordination Group
5th session of the Services and Forecast Systems Program Area Coordination Group

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 15:35 on 01 Sep 2010 by Boram Lee
Updated at 15:56 on 14 Mar 2013 by Laurent Fouinat