BUFR Encode/Decode Software (WMO repository)

Author(s) WMO
Summary See also Software Encoders/Decoders List (.doc)
Doc Type Link to document
URL http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/cbs-software-exchange/introduction.html
Status Published on 01 Apr 2009
Notes Process to follow when testing a BUFR Template: For new or modified WMO table driven codes and data representation forms, proposed changes should be tested by the use of at least two independently developed encoders and two independently developed decoders which incorporated the proposed change. Results should be made available to the ET-DRC with a view to verifying the technical specifications. (extracted from CBS-XIV document)

Group(s): JCOMM
Created at 10:15 on 20 May 2009
Updated at 14:41 on 20 May 2010