Report the first bid-writing workshop for institutions in IOCINDIO and WESTPAC

Author(s) Martin Le Tissier
Summary This document reports on a bid-writing workshop held at the University of Malaysia Sabah hosted by the Borneo Marine Research Institute and the National Oceanography Directorate, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia 10-14th December, 2008. This work is one part of a series of workshops implemented through the UNESCO / IOC Capacity Development Programme (CDP) for the Indian Ocean and South East Asia Global Ocean Observing System regional alliances.
Doc Type Report
Status Draft
This document is used in the event(s): First bid-writing workshop for institutions in IOCINDIO and WESTPAC

Group(s): IOC Capacity Development
Created at 16:00 on 19 May 2009
Updated at 16:05 on 19 May 2009