
Online survey: IOC and the Future of the Ocean Consultation of Member States (Phase 1)

Author(s) OpenCities on behalf of UNESCO-IOC

At its 32nd session (21–30 June 2023), the IOC Assembly discussed the long-term sustainability and expansion of the IOC in view of the fast-evolving developments in ocean science and action. The Assembly called for a consultation on: "how IOC could on the basis of its purpose as defined in its Statutes optimally facilitate activities of Member States and other stakeholders in science-based sustainable ocean planning, ocean science support to implementation of UN environmental conventions and frameworks, and development of a sustainable ocean economy" (IOC Decision A-32/5).

In June 2024, the Executive Council of the IOC requested the Secretariat to proceed with a consultation to establish the underserved needs of IOC stakeholders in relation to (i) sustainable ocean planning; (ii) ocean science support to implementation of UN environmental conventions and frameworks; and (iii) development of a sustainable ocean economy (IOC/EC-57/3.1.Doc(4)).

This survey forms part of the consultation. It is being conducted independently by OpenCities on behalf of IOC. All data will be securely aggregated through Survey Monkey. The findings from the survey will inform the development of IOC’s next Medium Term Strategy (2030-2037) and contribute to ongoing programme and budget development processes for future bienniums.

Respondents are encouraged to consult widely within relevant Ministries and organizations to ensure broad representation and input. Your survey responses will remain anonymous and confidential.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, though this may vary depending on your responses. You can save your progress and return at any time. You may exit the survey at any stage if you wish.

We invite you to complete this survey before April 10, 2025.

For any questions, please feel free to contact:

  • George Beardon (OpenCities) (
Doc Type Other
Status Published on 14 Mar 2025

In English only

Created at 16:10 on 14 Mar 2025 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 16:10 on 14 Mar 2025 by Patrice Boned