Steering Group for the IOC Ocean Best Practices System, Sixth Annual Meeting (SG-OBPS-VI)

Author(s) Patricia Martin Cabrera

The Sixth Annual Meeting of the IOC Ocean Best Practices System Steering Group (SG-OBPS-VI) was held in Paris, France, on November 12–14, 2024, in a hybrid format. Thirteen members attended in person, and twelve were present online. The IOC Ocean Best Practices System Steering Group (SG-OBPS) convenes annually, supplemented by monthly virtual meetings, to review progress and advance the work plan.

The meeting provided an opportunity to review the progress of work packages, evaluating the implementation of the 2024 work plan, and discussing the maintenance and developments of the repository. Technical upgrades, such as the DSpace update and analytics reconfiguration, were highlighted alongside efforts to streamline repository content criteria and conduct content evaluations to make sure the repository is fit for purpose.The role of endorsing entities in managing best practices was also extensively discussed, and the need for a rigorous review process, and strategies to enhance global representation and funding.

Recommendations from the Advisory Board were also discussed. The Advisory Board emphasized the importance of stakeholder engagement with regional and funding organizations, and the need for trust-building mechanisms to strengthen OBPS. The development of a comprehensive roadmap and implementation plan emerged as a priority, supported by a biennial review cycle for strategic alignment.

Strategic discussions focused on expanding OBPS' role within IOC mandates to enhance societal impact and visibility, highlighting the need to revise the current Terms of Reference. The Steering Group proposed a 'federation model' to better integrate IOC Programmes and Regional Sub-commissions. This model aims to improve global representation, provide a structured framework, attract additional funding, and position OBPS as a universal repository for ocean science and applications. A draft of the revised Terms of Reference was prepared. The meeting concluded with the Steering Group agreeing to the addition of new members. Rebecca Zitoun and Cristian Muñoz Mas were confirmed as the new OBPS SG Co-chairs, while outgoing Co-chairs, George Petihakis and Rene Garello, were sincerely thanked for their invaluable contributions.


Doc Type Report
Status Published
This document is used in the event(s): IOC Ocean Best Practices System Steering Group Annual Meeting 12-14 November 2024 [Hybrid]

Created at 19:55 on 07 Jan 2025 by Patricia Cabrera
Updated at 19:55 on 07 Jan 2025 by Patricia Cabrera