Provisional Agenda and Timetable Online Meeting of the ICG/IOTWMS Regional Working Group for the North-West Indian Ocean (RWG-NWIO) 30 May 2023

Author(s) Mohammad Mokhtari and Rick Bailey

Provisional Agenda and Timetable

Online Meeting of the ICG/IOTWMS

Regional Working Group for the North-West Indian Ocean (RWG-NWIO)

Tuesday 30th May 2023

Doc Type Information Document
Status Draft on 18 May 2023
Keywords Tsunami, Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System, North-West Indian Ocean
This document is used in the event(s): Intersessional Meeting of the Regional Working Group for the North-West Indian Ocean

Created at 05:07 on 30 May 2023 by Nora Gale
Updated at 05:07 on 30 May 2023 by Nora Gale