IOC Capacity Development

All documents for Capacity Development Meetings
1 IOC/INF-1433 : IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2023–2030) (05/06/2024)
<p>Adopted by Decision A-32/4.3 of the IOC Assembly...
2 Guidance Note for Applicants for Call for Decade Actions No. 07/2024 (17/04/2024)
3 Bradshaw_IOC_Why_rescue_data (10/03/2020)
4 CL-2793 : Designation of national IOC focal points for Capacity Development (27/01/2020)
Member States to designate an IOC CD focal point by...
5 IOC Workshop report No. 285 : Drafting Workshop for the Development of a Training and Repository Portal for the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (04/09/2019)
6 IOCARIBE/CMA-Phase3/1 Prov. : Provisional Agenda CMA3 (20/06/2019)
7 CMA2 Workshop Agenda February 2019 (24/01/2019)
8 1. UNCLOS and MSR_general aspects (15/01/2019)
9 1. UNCLOS and MSR_general aspects (15/01/2019)
10 List of Participants (14/11/2018)
11 Panama ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
12 Nicaragua ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
13 Colombia ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
14 Costa Rica ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
15 Cuba ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
16 El Salvador ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
17 Guatemala ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
18 Mexico ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
19 Venezuela ANCA Report 2018 (13/11/2018)
20 IOC Workshop Report No. 284 : Sargassum and Oil Spills Monitoring Pilot Project for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Workshop (13/11/2018)
21 CL-2738 : IOC Capacity Development Needs Assessment Survey and Transfer of Marine Technology Clearing House Mechanism Needs Survey (05/10/2018)
Member States to designate an IOC CD focal point and...
22 Estrategia a Plazo Medio de la COI-UNESCO (10/05/2017)
23 IOC CD Strategy Presentation IOCARIBE : IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015-2021: Implementation Plan (24/04/2017)
24 IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XIV/ : Project Report ODINCARSA-LA (23/04/2017)
25 IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XIII/3. : Summary Report Thirteenth Session of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions IOCARIBE (23/04/2017)
26 IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary Conference Agenda : IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary International Marine Science Conference - Provisional Agenda/Timetable (23/04/2017)
27 IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XIV/Inf. 7 : Statement of the IOCARIBE Chairman (21/04/2017)
28 Informe Taller Ciguatera : Primer Taller Internacional de Expertos en Ciguatera y Segundo Taller Nacional sobre Florecimientos Algales Nocivos (21/04/2017)
29 Informe Taller Ciguatera : Primer Taller Regional de Expertos en Ciguatera y Segundo Taller Nacional sobre Florecimientos Algales Nocivos (21/04/2017)
30 CLME+_IOCARIBE_XIV_Inf.5 : State of the Marine Ecosystems in the Caribbean and North Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (21/04/2017)
31 SC/SC-IOCARIBE-XIV/Inf. 3 : Template for Submission of texts for IOCARIBE Summary Report (19/04/2017)
32 IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-XIV/Inf. 6 : IOCARIBE HAB-ANCA Progress Report 2015-2017 (19/04/2017)
33 IOC-IOCARIBE/SDG-14 : IOCARIBE SDG-14 (19/04/2017)
34 VI IOC Regional Science Planning Workshop on HAB (19/04/2017)
35 Segunda Reunion Comite Directivo de IODE para el Atlas Marino del Caribe (19/04/2017)
36 Summary of the First Global Integrated Marine Assessment (19/04/2017)
37 Work-programme 2017-2020 : Work programme for the Second Cycle of the Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment including socioeconomic aspects (19/04/2017)
38 WD37_INF_GEF_IWECO : IWECO Project Document (19/04/2017)
39 CLME+_SCM1_Meeting : Decisions of the Project Inception Workshop and First Steering Committee of the UNDP/GEF CLME+ Project (19/04/2017)
40 Conference Announcement (07/04/2017)
41 Information & Guidelines (30/03/2017)
42 Announcement Conference (30/03/2017)
43 Call for Posters IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary - International Marine Science Conference (30/03/2017)
44 IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary - International Marine Science Conference Announcement (14/03/2017)
45 Call for Posters IOCARIBE International Marine Sciences Conference (13/03/2017)
46 Information & Guidelines (04/11/2016)
47 Information & Guidelines for Participants (04/11/2016)
48 IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary - International Marine Science Conference (24/10/2016)
49 IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary - International Marine Science Conference (18/10/2016)
50 IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary - International Marine Science Conference (18/10/2016)
51 IOCARIBE 35th Anniversary - International Marine Science Conference (18/10/2016)
52 AGENDA (21/09/2016)
53 IOC/SC-IOCARIBE-IX/6 Prov._s : IOCARIBE Medium Term Strategic Science Plan (15/05/2015)
54 Post Doctoral Positions at the Millennium Institute of Oceanography (IMO) (23/09/2014)
55 Latin American Workshop on Ocean Acidification (LAOCA) (16/06/2014)
56 Bremen-Genoa Summer School on Law of the Sea and Maritime Law (05/06/2014)
57 IOC Capacity Development Draft Strategic Plan - V4.0 (12/03/2014)
58 IOC Capacity Development Draft Strategic Plan - V3.0 (09/12/2013)
59 Draft Provisional Agenda - 1st meeting of IWG on IOC CD Strategic Plan (06/12/2013)
60 IOC Capacity Development Draft Strategic Plan - V2.0 (03/12/2013)
Following the request of the Chairman of the Intersessional...
61 Summary of the TTR-18 Cruise (22/06/2012)
The cruise was organized by the UNESCO-MSU Training...
62 Implementing Adaptation to Climate Change in Western and Eastern Africa: Targeting the Adaptation Fund. The Nairobi Workshop Summary Report (17/03/2011)
IOC of UNESCO organized, in cooperation with and hosted...
63 Summary of activities undertaken in 2010 by UNESCO/IOC Chairs, UNITWIN Networks and “Training-at-Sea” Capacity Development Programmes (02/03/2011)
64 UNITWIN Network in Marine Biology and Sustainable Development for East Africa (01/03/2011)
First year activities report of the UNITWIN Network...
65 Jambiani, Managing our coasts: The participatory approach to coastal management at Jambiani, Zanzibar using Decision Support Tools - Good practice for coastal management (23/02/2011)
The good practice guide documents lessons learned from...
66 Jambiani, Managing our coasts: Planning for sustainable coastal livelihoods at Jambiani, Zanzibar (23/02/2011)
The layman’s initiation report describes the process...
67 Jambiani, Managing our coasts: Management Plan for sustainable coastal livelihoods at Jambiani, Zanzibar (23/02/2011)
The management plan documents the decisions and outcomes...
68 Summary of IOC WIO coastal management activities (23/02/2011)
69 Caspian Floating University (CFU) 2010 Activities Report (22/02/2011)
Caspian Floating University (CFU) activities carried...
70 UoS 2010 Activities Report (22/02/2011)
In 2010 the University of the Sea is in its 6th year...
71 UoS 2005-2009 Activities Summary Report (22/02/2011)
72 CL-2376 : IOC/WESTPAC TRAINING COURSE ON OCEAN MODELS, Qingdao, China, 10-16 June 2011 (16/02/2011)
To nominate one or more participants to the Training...
73 Enhancement of Adaptation Strategies of Coastal Communities Dependent on Coastal Panaeid Shrimps Fisheries to Impacts of Climate Change and Variability in Coast Region, Tanzania (14/02/2011)
The present work, which was conducted in the Bagamoyo...
74 On Board Multi Beam Survey Training Course Report (14/01/2011)
The third (and last) Advanced Training Course in Multibeam...
75 Drafting Project Proposal to International Financial Institutions Course Report (13/01/2011)
This document reports on drafting project proposal...
76 15th Training-through-Research Cruise: main results (13/01/2011)
77 Taller Sobre la Erosión Costera en la Región de América Latina y El Caribe: Informe (10/01/2011)
78 Capacity Development through training at sea: History and lessons learned from the last 20 years (25/08/2010)
79 Application Form - IOC’s Science Fellowship Programme (02/08/2010)
Application form - IOC’s Science Fellowship Programme...
80 Call for Application to IOC’s Science Fellowship Programme: Young African Leaders for Long-Term Adaptation to Climate Change on Ocean and Coastal Zones of Africa (30/07/2010)
81 Austral Summer Institute XI - announcement (23/07/2010)
82 Austral Summer Institute X (ASI X): Multi-Scale Observations in Coastal Oceanography (10/05/2010)
83 Call for application to the Fellowship Programme on Erosion and other Impacts on Coastal Zones of Africa (06/05/2010)
84 IOCEA-VI .4 : EAF-Nansen Project (14/04/2010)
85 TTR 17 Summary Report
Leg 1 (11-23 June) was carried out in the Alboran Sea...
86 IOC Capacity Development Draft Strategic Plan - V1.0
Considering the importance that was given to capacity...
87 OceanTeacher MSP Training Course
88 AGENDA - OceanTeacher MSP Training Course
89 IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015 - 2021
90 IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015 - 2021
91 Timetable SC-IOCARIBE-XIV
92 IOC_Decade of Ocean_Science_3 : One Planet One Ocean
93 Draft Programme & Budget 39C/5 2018-2021
94 Draft_39C5_27_March2017 : DRaft Programme & Budget 39 C/5 2018 - 2021
95 IOC-XXIX/10.1 : Staturs Report IOC Capacity Development Strategy 2015-2021
97 MSP RoadMap 2022 - 2027