BioEco Reports

1 GOOS-265 : GOOS – Biology & Ecosystems Panel 2020 Activity Report (17/12/2020)
2 GOOS-242 : Designing the observing system for the world’s ocean – from microbes to whales WORKSHOP #2 (15/01/2020)
Building on the ideas of the first workshop, the discussions...
3 GOOS-242 : Designing the observing system for the world’s ocean – from microbes to whales WORKSHOP #2 (15/01/2020)
4 GOOS Biology and Ecosystems Panel - Highlights 2019 (09/01/2020)
The highlights of GOOS BioEco in 2019 are framed within...
5 GOOS-241 : GOOS – Biology & Ecosystems Panel 2019 Activity Report (09/01/2020)
6 Report of Workshop #2 – IBIOMAR, Puerto Madryn, Argentina, 25-30th of December 2019 Research and monitoring methods in rocky shores (19/12/2019)
This report summarizes the activities held during the...
7 GOOS-238 : Macroalgal Essential Ocean Variable (EOV) data processing and workflow workshop (22/10/2019)
8 Coordinating the Implementation of Mangrove and Seagrass Essential Observations (08/08/2019)
9 GOOS-236 : Coordinating the Implementation of Mangrove and Seagrass Essential Observations (08/08/2019)
10 Workshop Report: 2nd Marine Biodiversity: from the Sea to the Cloud (10/05/2019)
11 GOOS BioEco Report 2018-2019 presentation (02/05/2019)
12 GOOS-SC-8/Doc. 9.3 : GOOS Biology & Ecosystem Report (27/04/2019)
13 Designing the observing system for the world’s ocean – from microbes to whales WORKSHOP #1 REPORT (27/04/2019)
14 GOOS-232 : GOOS Biology & Ecosystems Panel Third Panel Meeting Report (22/12/2018)
15 Update Coral EOV (12/12/2018)
16 Sustainable Observations of Plankton, the Sea’s Food Foundation (27/11/2018)
17 GOOS Report #231 Planning the implementation of a global long-term observing and data sharing strategy for macroalgal communities (06/11/2018)
18 GOOS-231 : Planning the implementation of a global long-term observing and data sharing strategy for macroalgal communities (05/11/2018)
19 Link to more background documents (01/11/2018)
20 PEGASuS Proposal - Mapping the observing network
21 PEGASuS Proposal - Participants
22 PEGASuS Proposal - Budget
23 GOOS-241 : Designing the observing system for the world’s ocean – from microbes to whales (Workshop #2) and GOOS BioEco Panel 2019 Meeting Report