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Wave Exercises
IOC Circular Letter No 2636 Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) Exercise Pacific Wave 2017 (PacWave17), 15-17 February 2017
IOC CL 2655 Rev_Test of the South China Sea Tsunami Advisory Center Products (SCSTAC) during Exercise Pacific Wave 2017 (PacWave17), 15-17 February 2017
Tsunami Advisory Products for the South China Sea Regional Tsunami Warning and MitigationSystem
Manual on SCS Sub-regional Tsunami Exercise for Introducing and Testing SCS Tsunami Advisory Products during PacWave 17_rev
IOC Circular Letter No 2654 - CARIBE WAVE 2017 Exercise in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions on 21 March 2017
TEMPP Training 5: Tsunami Exercise (including evacuation)_ Provisional Agenda
Israel's regional tsunami exercise 2016 - for Task Team feb 2017 - Amir Yahav
3.11 Report_on_PacWave16
3.11 Post-exercise evaluation for SCS Tsunami Exercise during PacWave17
Lista de asistencia Taller mapas 25 26 de abril - Nicaragua
IOC Circular Letter No. 2704_Announcement of the CARIBE WAVE 18 tsunami Exercise in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions on 15 March 2018
IOC Circular Letter No. 2704_Announcement of the CARIBE WAVE 18 tsunami Exercise in the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions on 15 March 2018
IOC technical series 136_Exercise Caribe wave 18_Participant Handbook
IOC Circular Letter No 2732
Announcement of the CARIBE WAVE 19 Tsunami Exercise...
1.3 PacWave 17 Colombia-Ecuador Scenario Messages Compiled Final
5.2.- ICG CARIBE EWS-XV - Tsunami Ready Task Team Progress Report
IOC/2011/TS/97VOL.1; IOC/2011/TS/97VOL.2
Exercise Pacific Wave 11: a Pacific-wide tsunami warning and communication exercise, 9-10 November 2011 (Exercise Manual and Report)
Summary Report of the Second Meeting of the Task Team on the Communication Test and Tsunami Exercise of the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) Paris, France, 19 September 2011
Exercise Pacific Wave 08: a Pacific-wide Tsunami Warning and Communication Exercise, 28-30 October 2008
IOC/2009/TS/88 rev.
Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 2009 (IOWave09): an Indian Ocean-wide tsunami warning and communication exercise
Exercise Caribe Wave 11: a Caribbean tsunami warning exercise
IOC/2011/TS/98 REV.3
Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas: First Enlarged Communication Test Exercise (ECTE1); exercise manual and evaluation report
IOC/2012/TS/101 VOL.1.
Exercise Caribe Wave/Lantex 13: a Caribbean tsunami warning exercise, 20 March 2013; Volume 1: Participant handbook
IOC/2012/TS/102 Vol.1, Vol.2
Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas. Second Enlarged Communication Test Exercise (CTE2). Exercise Manual and Evaluation Report
IOC/2012/TS/103 VOL.1.
Exercise NEAMWAVE 12: A tsunami warning and communication exercise for the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and Connected Seas Region, 27-28 November 2012, volume I (Exercise Manual)
IOC/2013/TS/106 Vol.1rev; IOC/2013/TS/106 Vol.2
Exercise Pacific Wave 13: a Pacific-wide tsunami warning and enhanced products exercise, 1-14 May 2013 (Exercise Manual and Summary Report)
IOC/2013/TS/109 Vol.1
Exercise Caribe Wave/Lantex 14. A Caribbean and Northwestern Atlantic Tsunami Warning Exercise, 26 March 2014. Volume 1: Participant Handbook.
IOC/2013/TS/99 Vol1 Rev.; IOC/2013/TS/99 Vol.2
Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 2011: an Indian Ocean-wide tsunami warning and communication exercise, 12 October 2011 (Exercise Manual and Exercise Report)
Exercise NEAMWAVE 14. A Tsunami Warning and Communication Exercise for the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and Connected Seas Region, 28–30 October 2014, Volume I: Manual
IOC/2014/TS/116 Vol.1 and Vol.2
Third Enlarged Communication Test Exercise (CTE3),Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas. 1st October 2013. Volume 1 and Volume 2: Exercise Manual and Evaluation Report
IOC/2014/TS/118 Vol.1
Exercise Caribe Wave/Lantex 15. A Caribbean and Northwestern Atlantic Tsunami Warning Exercise, 25 March 2015. Volume 1: Participant Handbook
IOC/2015/TS/109 Vol.2
Exercise Caribe Wave/Lantex 14. A Caribbean and Northwestern Atlantic Tsunami Warning Exercise, 26 March 2014. Volume 2: Evaluation Report.
IOC/2015/TS/126 VOL.2
Exercise Pacific Wave 2016. A Pacific-wide Tsunami Warning and Enhanced Products Exercise, 1-5 February 2016. Volume 2: Summary report
Exercise NEAMWAVE 14 Flyer. A Tsunami Warning and Communication Exercise for the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and Connected Seas Region.
Exercise Pacific Wave 06. A Pacific-wide Tsunami Warning and Communication Exercise, 16-17 May 2006
TS - 139
Exercise Pacific Wave 2018. A Pacific-wide Tsunami Warning and Enhanced Products Exercise, September to November 2018. Volume 1: Exercise Manual.
TS -133
Exercise CARIBE WAVE 17.A Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Tsunami Warning Exercise, 21 March 2017 (Costa Rica, Cuba and Northeastern Antilles Scenarios). Volume 1 and 2.IOC Technical Series No. 133
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. 2015. Exercise Caribe Wave 16. A Caribbean and Northwestern Atlantic Tsunami Warning Exercise, 17 March 2016 (Venezuela and Northern Hispaniola Scenarios). Volume 1: Participant Handbook. IOC Technical Series No. 125 vol.1.
Exercise Pacific Wave 2017. A Pacific-wide Tsunami Warning and Enhanced Products Exercise, 15-17 February 2017. Volume 1: Exercise Manual. Paris, UNESCO/IOC, Technical Series No 131 Vol.1.
IOC technical series 141_Exercise Caribe wave 19_Participant Handbook
TS-155 vol2
Report (Volume 2) - Exercise Pacific Wave 20. A Pacific-wide Tsunami Warning and Enhanced Products Exercise, 1 September-30 November 2020.Volume 2. IOC Technical Series No 155. UNESCO/IOC 2021