Working Groups/Task Teams Reports

TOWS-WG-XI Eleventh Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (01/06/2018)
Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunami and Other Hazards related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-VIII
M & G 74
DRAFT Standard Guidelines for the Tsunami Ready Recognition Program;
IOC/TOWS-WG-XIII/3 Working Group on Tsunamis and other Hazards related to Sea-level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), thirteenth meeting , Paris, 20–21 February 2020 (14/04/2020)
IOC/TOWS-WG-VII/3 Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems, UNESCO, Paris, 12–13 February 2014 (25/06/2014)
Executive Summary in English, French, Spanish and Russian...
IOC/TOWS-WG-VII/3 Seventh meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), Paris, France, 12-13 February 2014 (31/10/2014)
IOC/TOWS-WG-VII/14 Report from Task Team on Disaster Management & Preparedness (06/03/2014)
IOC/TOWS-WG-VI/3 Sixth meeting of Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems; Paris, France; 20-21 February 2013 (10/05/2013)
IOC/TOWS-WG-V/3 Fifth meeting of Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems; Tokyo, Japan, 15 February 2012 (15/02/2012)
IOC/TOWS-WG-IX/3 Summary Report of the Ninth Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems, Paris, 25-26 February 2016 (18/04/2016)
IOC/TOWS-WG-IV/3 Fourth session of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) (09/06/2011)
IOC/TOWS-WG-III/3 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG) Third Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal,5–6 May 2010 (02/06/2010)
IOC/TOWS-WG-III/3 Third meeting of Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems; Lisbon, Portugal; 5-6 May 2010 (21/06/2010)
IOC/TOWS-WG-II/3 Second meeting of Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems;Paris, France; 27 March 2009 (30/03/2009)
IOC/TOWS-WG-I/3 First meeting of Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems; Paris, France; 3-4 April 2008 (23/04/2008)
IOC/PTWS-WG-CA-III/3 Tercera Reunión del Grupo de Trabajo para América Central del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinación del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y Atenuación de sus Efectos en el Pacífico (ICG/PTWS) (10/11/2014)
La tercera reunión del Grupo de Trabajo para América...
IOC/PTWS-WG-CA-II/3 Informe Final Reunion Regional sobre Tsunamis en Centroamerica (17/05/2012)
IOC/PTWS-WG-CA-II/3 Segunda reunion del Grupo de Trabajo Regional para America Central del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacion del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y Atenuacion de sus Efectos en el Pacifico; San Salvador, El Salvador; 28-30 septiembre 2011 (10/11/2011)
IOC/PTWS-WG-CA-I/3 Primera reunion del Grupo de Trabajo Regional para America Central del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinacion del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y Atenuacion de sus Efectos en el Pacifico; Managua, Nicaragua; del 4 al 6 de noviembre de 2009 (18/02/2010)
IOC/I-ICG/TSU-I/3 First Meeting of the Inter-ICG Task Team 2: Disaster Management and Preparedness; NOAA facilities, Seattle; 29 November-1 December 2010 (01/03/2011)
IOC/BRO/2018/3 Advances in Tsunami Warning to Enhance Community Responses, IOC/UNESCO Symposium, 12-14 February 2018: Summary Statement (07/05/2018)
ICG/PTWS-XXV/57 Report of the Task Team on Enhancing PTWS Tsunami Warning Products UPDATED (21/09/2013)
ICG/PTWS-WG-SCS-III/3 Rev. Third Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for the South China Sea Region (SCS-WG) (26/06/2014)
ICG/PTWS-WG-SCS-II/3 Second Meeting of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the South China Sea (20/08/2013)
ICG/PTWS-WG-SCS-I/3 Final Report of the 1st Meeting of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the South China Sea (18/05/2012)
ICG/PTWS-WG-PICTS-VIII/3 Eighth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-VIII) Pacific Island Countries and Territories Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (WG-PICT), 29 March–1 April 2021 (online)
Eighth Meeting of the Task Team on the Regional Architecture of the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS
ICG/NEAMTWS-TT-MH-II/3s Second Meeting of the Task Team on the Multi-hazard approach to Coastal Inundation of the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) Paris, France, 21 September 2011 (14/11/2011)
Third Meeting of Task Team on the Regional Tsunami Warning System Architecture of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS); Bonn, Germany; 30 March 2009
ICG/NEAMTWS-TT-II/3 Second Meeting of Task Team of of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) ; Southampton, UK; 30 September-1 October 2008 (28/10/2008)
ICG/NEAMTWS-TT-I/3 First Meeting of Task Team of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North-eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS); Paris, France; 28 and 29 January 2008 (12/06/2009)
ICG/NEAMTWS-TT-CTTE-II/3s Summary Report of the Second Meeting of the Task Team on the Communication Test and Tsunami Exercise of the Tsunami Early Warning and Mitigation System in the North Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS) Paris, France, 19 September 2011 (12/10/2011)
ICG/IOTWS/WG2_ITP/MR/Nov08 IOTWS WG2 ITP Meeting Report, Bali, Nov08 (11/02/2009)
ICG/IOTWS/RTT/MR/Dec09 IOTWS RTT Meeting Report, Perth, Dec09 (16/03/2010)
ICG/IOTWS-VIII/23 Report of Inter ICG Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations (17/03/2011)
ICG/IOTWS-VIII/22 Report of Inter ICG Task Team on Sea Level Monitoring (22/03/2011)
ICG/IOTWS-VII/10 RTWP Intersessional Meeting Report (30/11/2009)
ICG/IOTWS-VI/16 WG6 Intersessional Meeting 14-15 November 2008 Final Report (23/01/2009)
ICG/IOTWS-VI/14 IOTWS WG5 Meeting Report, Melbourne, Feb09 (21/03/2009)
ICG/CARIBE-EWS-IX/24 Report of Task Team on Performance Recognition Programme (09/05/2014)
ICG/CARIBE-EWS-IX/23 Task Team on Warning Communication and Dissemination (09/05/2014)
ICG/CARIBE-EWS-IX/22 WG4 Report (09/05/2014)
ICG/CARIBE-EWS-IX/20.1 WG 1 on Monitoring and Detection Systems, Warning Guidance Meeting Report (09/05/2014)
ICG/CARIBE EWS-V/9 Working Group I: Monitoring and Detection Systems, Warning Guidance (04/03/2010)
CL-2501 Circular Letter: Seventh Meeting of the Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG-VII) (12/01/2015)
ICG/IOTWS WG1 intersessional meeting report - Oct 07 (06/11/2008)
ICG/PTWS Task Team on Seismic Data Sharing in the South-West Pacific (04/05/2011)
Review of TT3 Reccommendations and Feedback from ICGs (10/02/2014)
PTWC presentation on PTWS Enhanced Products (10/02/2014)
NWPTAC report on PTWS (10/02/2014)
NEAMTWS report to TTTWO (10/02/2014)
IOTWS report to TTTWO (10/02/2014)
Procedures, Terminologies, Products and Dissemination (11/02/2014)
Report of the Meeting of the Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations, 10-11 February 2014 (31/05/2014)
TTTWO Morioka meeting agenda (25/02/2015)
Draft Global Service Definition Document
Draft Global Service Definition Document
Disaster Management & Preparedness TT_ Draft Agenda_Paris 23-24 February 2016
ICG CARIBE EWS Report for TOWS IX (25/02/2016)
ICG PTWS Report for TOWS WG IX (25/02/2016)
TTDMP Presentation_TOWS_WG_IX (25/02/2016)
Kanazawa Port Safety Guide_2014 (25/02/2016)
Report inter-ICG Task Team Hazard Assessment related to Highest Potential_Satake 2016 (26/02/2016)
6.1 Task Team Tsunami Services Model_Requirements_RTSP_final Feb 2016 (01/03/2016)
ICG/IOTWMS Report to TOWS-WG-IX (03/03/2016)
ICG/NEAMTWS Report to TOWS-WG-IX (03/03/2016)
4.3 WG3 Tsunami Related Services Progress Report / Servicios Relativos a Tsunamis reporte de progreso (Draft/Borrador)
Meeting Report of the TOWS-WG Inter-ICG Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations (18/05/2016)
Draft Agenda - Meeting of the Inter ICG Task Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness
Israel's regional tsunami exercise 2016 - for Task Team feb 2017 - Amir Yahav (22/02/2017)
Plan on implementing Tsunami Ready Recognition in The Indian Ocean (22/02/2017)
Report CARIBE EWS_WGDP&M 2017 Feb 21_Hillebrandt (22/02/2017)
Report Greece NOA-Public information_Papadopoulos (22/02/2017)
Report IOTIC 2017 Feb 21_Kodijat (22/02/2017)
Report IOTWMS_WG1 2017 Feb 21_Harkunti (22/02/2017)
Report NEAMTWS_WG4 2017 Feb 21_Marzia & Plessa (22/02/2017)
Report PTWS WG3 2017 Feb 21_Coetzee (22/02/2017)
TOWS TTDMP CARIBE EWS Tsunami Ready (22/02/2017)
ITIC_TEMPP_20170217_Kong_brief (23/02/2017)
ITICbrief_DMP_feb17 (23/02/2017)
CARIBE EWS for TOWS X (24/02/2017)
ICG PTWS Report _ TOWS WG X_V5 (24/02/2017)
TTDMP Presentation_TOWS_WG_X (24/02/2017)
3.12 Report on 10th Meeting of TOWS-WG for ICG-PTWS (26/03/2017)
3.10 PTWS_TTEMP_report_mar17 (29/03/2017)
3.4 TOWS_WG_Report for PTWS_XXVII (10/04/2017)
Decisions and recommendations from TOWS X_final (09/05/2017)
Agenda SDG 14.3.1 indicator WS
Relevant Literature WS 14.3.1
SDG 14.3.1 update October
SDG 14.3.1 workplan IAEG
Draft agenda WS 14.3.1
4. Report ICGNEAMTWS Working Group 4 (25/01/2018)
TTDMP Agenda 2018_Final (12/02/2018)
4. Current status and activities of IOTIC and Work Plan for 2018-2019_Arito M. Kodijat (14/02/2018)
4. Current status and activities of IOTIC and Work Plan for 2018-2019_Ardito M. Kodijat (14/02/2018)
4. ITIC Report_TOWS Inter-ICG Task Team Report_Laura Kong (14/02/2018)
Summary Report: ICG/CARIBE EWS WG4 & CTIC (15/02/2018)
Report on the ICG/CARIBR EWS-CITC and ICG/CARIBE EWS Working Group 4 (15/02/2018)
TOWS TTDMP Report 2018_Final (04/03/2018)
3.6 National Report CARIBE EWS Barbados (14/04/2018)
Draft Framework for Future Goals and Performance Monitoring of Tsunami Risk Reduction, Warning and Mitigation Systems
2018 WG1 IOTWMS Report to TOWS (15/02/2018)
Report_from_Task_Team_on_Disaster_Management Preparedness_TOWS_WG_IX_ (25/02/2016)
WG1_ICG IOTWMS_TOWS Meeting 20022019_Final (21/02/2019)
ICG PTWS Report _ TOWS WG XII - 20190221 (21/02/2019)
2019 CARIBE EWS-TOWS (21/02/2019)
TOWS Task Team DMP 2019 Report (21/02/2019)
1.1 PPT Bienvenida e Introduccion (objetivos y metodologia Taller cierre) (09/10/2019)
IOC Tsunami Programme Framework (16/12/2019)
Draft Agenda - Meeting of theTask Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness (28/12/2019)
Draft Agenda_Tsunami Ready pilot programme TTDMP workshop_V3
Report of the Inter-ICG Task Team on Disaster Management and Preparedness (TT-DMP)_February 2020 (20/02/2020)
Rev TOWS TR Workshop - ICG CARIBE EWS (17/02/2020)
TOWS TTDMP Report 2019_Final (21/02/2019)
Report of Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations, TOWS-WG-XIV, 22-23 Feb 2021 (online) (03/02/2023)
Protecting Communities from the World-s Most Dangerous Waves - A Framework for Action under the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (15/02/2022)
TT DMP_Tsunami Ready Coalition Meeting 4 Oct 2021_final
Protecting Communities from the World-s Most Dangerous Waves - A Framework for Action under the UN Ocean Decade (15/02/2022)
Risk Perception Survey Agenda
Report of Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations, TOWS-WG-XV, 27-28 Feb 2023 (hybrid)
4th Meeting of Scientific Committee for the UN Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme
Other Global Initiative