Monitoring and warning for tsunamis generated by volcanoes webinar

16 - 23 April 2025, no location specified or online event

Annotated Agenda

1. Introductory Remarks by IOC-TSU, ICAO and ICG Chair/s (10 min)
2. TS-183 presentation by TTTWO representative (10 min)
3. Preparedness and Response for TGV presentation by TTDMP representative (10 min)
4. Dealing with TGVs by TSP representative (10 min)
5. Use of a Volcano Notice for tsUnami Threat (VONUT) presentation (10 min)
6. Volcano Observatory presentation (10 min)
7. Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) presentation (10 min)
8. Panel Discussion on building synergies between TSPs / NTWCs / VAACs / COs (15 min)
9. Concluding Remarks (5 min)