Western Indian Ocean Member States Training Workshop on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs) and Disaster Management Organisations (DMOs)

03 - 06 July 2023, no location specified or online event

Annotated Agenda

1.1 Plenary
1.1a Opening
1.1b Introduction
1.2 NTWC Breakout Session
1.2a Introduction to TSP Services
1.2b TSP Product Demonstration
1.2c New TSP Product - Tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources
1.2d Discuss Exercise IOWave23 scenarios
1.3 DMO Breakout Session
1.3a Findings from the 2018 Capacity Assement regarding the downstream process
1.3b Implementing Tsunami Ready in the Indian Ocean
1.3c Tsunami Ready Response Indicators in relation to SOP development
1.3d Discuss outcomes and participation of DMOs and communities in Exercise IOWave23
2.1 Plenary
2.1a Near and Distant Tsunamis: Timeline driven SOPs
2.1b Warning Levels
2.1c Critical Issues in the Warning Chain for disseminating warnings down to the community
2.1d Using SOP Templates to Develop General Roles and Responsibilities and Timeline of Processes and Actions (Criteria for Action, Evacuation Checklists, Information Dissemination, Media Information)
2.1e Example of NTWC SOPs
2.1f Example of DMO SOPs
2.1g Example of Broadcast Media SOPs
2.2 NTWC Breakout Session
2.2a Tsunami Warning Centre SOPs - Concept of Operations, Overview of Routine and Event Operations
2.2b Utilising TSP Threat Information products in NTWC SOPs
2.2c Incorporating advice and decision for evacuation
2.2d Discussion
2.3 DMO Breakout Session
2.3a Tsunami Warning Centre SOPs - Concept of Operations, Overview of Routine and Event Operations
2.3b Utilising NTWC Products in DMO SOPs
2.3c Decision to call for evacuation
2.3d Discussion
3.1 National Workshops
3.1a Introduction
3.1b Discuss findings and conclusions from Workshop Day-1 and Day-2
3.1c Review national tsunami warning chain and status of SOPs
3.1d Review/update NTWC products and timelines, including warning levels, advice and dissemination channels
3.1e Examine and coordinate linkages across NTWC, N/P/LDMO, and Media SOPs, especially with regards to timelines (including call for evacuation decision)
3.1f Identify work on further SOP development, including Media SOPs
3.1g Discuss how to move forward after the workshop to resolved identified issues
3.1h Discuss mechanisms and opportunities to routinely exercise NTWC, DMO and Media SOPs individually and jointly going forward, including Exercise IOWave23 in October 2023
3.1i Agree on the Member State report back to the workshop on Day-4
4.1 Plenary
4.1a Member State reports from national workshops (10 mins each)
4.1b Discussion on identified joint challenges
4.1c Broadcast Media SOP workshop plans
4.1d How to plan, conduct and evaluate exercises
4.1e Closing remarks
Day 1 Introduction and Driving Forces
Day 2 The role and function of SOPs in tsunami warning chains
Day 3 Member State Individual Workshops
Day 4 Feedback from Member State Workshops and Forward Plans