Intersessional Meeting of Working Group 1 on Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness and Preparedness

17 - 18 April 2023,

Annotated Agenda

1. Opening
1.1 Welcome
1.2 Opening Remarks
1.3 Review and Adoption of Agenda
1.4 WG1 New Terms of Reference, Membership and Tasks from ICG 2022
2. Reports and Updates on Activities
2.1 UN Ocean Decade
2.10 Survey on impact of Covid19 Pandemic on IOTWMS business process
2.2 TOWS TTDMP Report - Feb 2023
2.3 Global Tsunami Symposium 2024
2.4 Tsunami Ready WG3 Task from ICG 2022
2.5 Tsunami and Critical Facilities
2.6 IOTIC Program Work Plan
2.7 UNESCAP NWIO Project
2.8 Mainstreaming Tsunami DRR in Development / Urban Planning
2.9 Case Study on Mainstreaming Tsunami DRR
3. Discussion
3.1 Recommendation of CAPT survey 2018 for WG1
3.10 Development of Tsunami Critical Infrastructure Guidelines
3.11 Development of Guidelines Mainstreaming Tsunami DRR in Development / Urban Planning
3.12 Survey on the impact of Covid19 Pandemic on IOTWMS business process in Member States
3.13 Special Issue Journal IJDRBE
3.14 Other Business
3.2 IOWave20 recommendation for WG1
3.3 Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
3.4 Educational materials for natural warnings of non-seismic tsunamis
3.5 Definition of community in the context of Tsunami Ready
3.6 Accredited Tsunami Ready similar initiatives to achieve the UNODTP goal
3.7 Aligning Making Cities Resilience 2030
3.8 Case study on aftermath of the 2004 relocated communities
3.9 Tsunami Ready issues and challenges faced by Member States
4. WG1 Work Programme
5. Summary and Closing