Intersessional Meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System [Online]

23 - 24 November 2021,

Annotated Agenda

Break InaTEWS Video
1 Welcome and Opening
1.1 Welcome by Head of Secretariat for IOC-UNESCO IOTWMS
1.2 Opening Address by Chair ICG/IOTWMS
1.3 Youth video competition winning videos
1.4 Organisation of the Meeting
1.5 Adoption of the Agenda
2 ICG Chair Report
3 Secretariat Report
4 Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre Report
5 Tsunami and Other hazards related to sea level Warning and mitigation Systems Working Group (TOWS-WG)
6 UN Ocean Decade
7 Strategic Pathway Development
8 IOTWMS Capacity Assessment
9 Tsunami Ready
10 The impacts of COVID
11 Progress report by ICG/IOTWMS Task Team on Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 2020
12 IOTWMS Member State future plans and issues
13 IOTWMS Status Reporting
14 Tsunami Service Provider progress reports
14.1 Australia
14.2 India
14.3 Indonesia
15 ICG/IOTWMS Working Group progress reports
15.1 Working Group 1 – Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness and Preparedness
15.2 Working Group 2 – Tsunami Detection, Warning & Dissemination
15.3 Subregional WG North West Indian Ocean (NWIO)
16 ICG/IOTWMS Task Team progress reports
16.1 Task Team on Scientific Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Makran Subduction Zone
16.2 Task Team on Tsunami Preparedness for a Near-Field Tsunami Hazard
17 Planning for Next ICG/IOTWMS-XIII
18 Review of Recommendations
19 Closing Remarks