Intersessional Meeting of the ICG/IOTWMS Working Group 2 on Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination

10 December 2020

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening
1.1 Opening Remarks
1.2 Review and Adoption of Agenda
1.3 WG2 Terms of Reference and Membership
2 Brief Reports and Updates on Activities
2.1 Review of Recommendations and Actions
2.2 TOWS TTTWO Report - Feb 2020
2.3 TSP Reports on Service Updates
2.4 TSP Performance against KPIs for 2019/20
2.5 IOTWMS Communication Tests 2019/20
2.6 Impacts of COVID-19 on IOTWMS Monitoring Networks
2.7 Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness Report
3 Discussion
3.1 IOTWMS Service Definition
3.2 CAP, mobile apps and social media
3.3 Maritime community TSP products