IOC Officers Meeting 2020

13 - 14 January 2020,

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Annotated Agenda

1. Welcoming
2. Adoption of the agenda for the Officers meeting, logistical details
3. Report by the Chair on intersessional work
4. Report of the Executive Secretary
5. Preparation of the 53rd IOC Executive Council
5.1 Overall presentation focusing on organizational matters and brief presentation of the structure of the EC agenda
5.2 Presentation of the main objectives and issues at EC-53
5.3 IOC Memorial Lectures: 2020 Roger Revelle Memorial Lecture
5.4 VIPs, keynote speakers
5.5 Rapporteurs for EC-53
5.6 Working groups and sessional Committees chairs
5.7 Conclusion on the preparation of IOC-53: Presentation of the revised draft agenda and timetable; calendar of preparation; misc. questions
6. Governance, Programming and Budgeting
6.1 Brief Introduction by the Chair of IFAG – Outcomes from the 40 GC (40 C/5)
6.2 Update on the preparation of the draft Medium Term Strategy (41 C/4) and draft programme & budget (41 C/5)
6.3 Follow-up to resolution XXX-3
7. Preparatory phase of the UN Decade (2021-2030)
7.1 Introduction by the Executive Secretary (a- timeline, next EPG meeting, revised Decade roadmap, draft implementation plan, global mobilization, expected societal outcomes; b- IOC programmatic contribution)
7.2 Open discussion on the Decade and the MTS
8. Regions
9. UN Partnerships & Governance
9.1 BBNJ
9.2 Partnership with WMO
10. Data Management
10.1 Progress Report
10.2 Costed project proposal for the IOC Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS)
11. Ocean Observations
11.1 Progress Report
11.2 Update on GOOS-Africa
11.3 Progress towards the establishment of the WMO-IOC Collaborative Board
11.4 Working arrangements for the sponsorship of current JCOMM bodies and financial & secretariat support; WCRP
11.5 Ocean Observing in areas under national jurisdiction
12. Ocean Science
12.1 Progress Report
13. Ocean Hazard Monitoring Systems
13.1 Progress Report
14. Sustainable Development
14.1 GEBCO (Review of User Requirements and Potential Contributions to GEBCO on a biennial basis)
15. Capacity Development
15.1 Progress Report
15.2 Update on the Draft IOC Ocean Literacy Plan of Action (2020-)
16. Preparation of IOC 60th Anniversary
17. Update on IOC Communication
18. Preparation of the 31st Assembly (June/July 2021)
19. Other matters / Conclusion